bowl smoked? doesnt seem so


Active Member
how do you tell when a bowl is "done"? i was smoking a bowl earlier and it looked done but then i thought maybe if is flip over the buds they woulld still have some green on them and sure enough they did. i proceeded to smoke the other half.also they were in kinda compacted clusters so i wonder if thats why


Well-Known Member
or when ur sitting there hitting it
and u suck the cherry down into the bowl
thats a surefire way to know


Well-Known Member
I always use a screen so it never gets pulled through. my bowls "cash". It all turns into white ash. When you hold the flame over it for a couple seconds and it won't light it's time to blow that out and pack a new one. I always grind my herb even for bowls so I never have those nugs that burn inconsistently.


Well-Known Member
I always use a screen so it never gets pulled through. my bowls "cash". It all turns into white ash. When you hold the flame over it for a couple seconds and it won't light it's time to blow that out and pack a new one. I always grind my herb even for bowls so I never have those nugs that burn inconsistently.
definitly always grind ur herb
if u dont ur stupid
finly ground no seeds no stems thats the key there
and i dont got a screen on my glass peice iono i just dont think they need it


Well-Known Member
i mean you can smoke it to white ash.

i don't know if i'm just stuck up or what haha but i usually don't smoke it after a couple of hits .. take greens then pass... hahahah i don't like smoking regs


Well-Known Member
definitly always grind ur herb
if u dont ur stupid
finly ground no seeds no stems thats the key there
and i dont got a screen on my glass peice iono i just dont think they need it
I've always felt that if the cherry pulls through then that's smoke you don't get to inhale, because once it hits the water or your mough (depending on what's being smoked out of) it'll go out.

ya, I'm kinda stingy with my weed.


Well-Known Member
I've always felt that if the cherry pulls through then that's smoke you don't get to inhale, because once it hits the water or your mough (depending on what's being smoked out of) it'll go out.

ya, I'm kinda stingy with my weed.
kinda is an understatment haha
i had a freind who used to roll up his whole dime sack
seeds stems everything
he said shit i paied for it imma smoke it


Well-Known Member
kinda is an understatment haha
i had a freind who used to roll up his whole dime sack
seeds stems everything
he said shit i paied for it imma smoke it
I'm not THAT bad! that's just hard core. It's mostly because I know I'm not getting that great of a deal so I try to get my money's worth from it.


Well-Known Member
I'm not THAT bad! that's just hard core. It's mostly because I know I'm not getting that great of a deal so I try to get my money's worth from it.
ya dude very hardcore
i was like ehhhh imma be careful smoking this
haha but ya if i wasnt getting hooked up i might care


New Member
grey means pooched.. black means still a little left.. green means you need to spark your lighter back up.. i like to get my bowl nice and red hot the first hit... then i just suck on it afterwards with no lighter until no cherry is left.. this normally works pretty good to cash a bowl fully without getting a nasty ash hit


Well-Known Member
grey means pooched.. black means still a little left.. green means you need to spark your lighter back up.. i like to get my bowl nice and red hot the first hit... then i just suck on it afterwards with no lighter until no cherry is left.. this normally works pretty good to cash a bowl fully without getting a nasty ash hit
burns the bowl up quickly though
burn corners and ur bowl will last longer at the expense of your lighter


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Ya that can happen when you pack it too full too. I only pack one hitters and I grind it up too so no big chucks to clog the bong and pop a vessel in your head or something while you are pulling hard on it, lol.bongsmilie :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Ya that can happen when you pack it too full too. I only pack one hitters and I grind it up too so no big chucks to clog the bong and pop a vessel in your head or something while you are pulling hard on it, lol.bongsmilie :mrgreen::peace:
one hitters on a bong = really cool
one hitters in a bowl = stupid and time consuming


Well-Known Member
yea best way too get the most outta smoking is through a bowl, you'l get the most THC from it or so i hear. one hitters 'snappers' are best in bongs though. love that


Well-Known Member
Yes i totally agree smoke it until EVERYTHING left in the bowl is ashes use a paper clip or something the "stir" (turn the weed over to hit nugs and move ash out of the way of the nugs) the bowl up and make sure its all burnt I pack a full bowl and smoke untill #1 its compleatly gone #2 im high enough and have noone to pass it to in witch case i set it on the table untill later and finish it off


New Member
yea best way too get the most outta smoking is through a bowl, you'l get the most THC from it or so i hear. one hitters 'snappers' are best in bongs though. love that
the whole theory behind that is that water filters some THC. in fact, i have read studies done by NORML that shows that using a bong is actually less clean for your lungs than using a non-water filtered because you end up having to smoke more herb to get the same dose of THC as in a bowl and thus getting more tar. this being said they state that the ratio of tar to THC being filtered through the water is actually the opposite to what you would want it to be.

bong hits are sweet though and i do own 2 of them even though i have known this for a couple of years now


Well-Known Member
the whole theory behind that is that water filters some THC. in fact, i have read studies done by NORML that shows that using a bong is actually less clean for your lungs than using a non-water filtered because you end up having to smoke more herb to get the same dose of THC as in a bowl and thus getting more tar. this being said they state that the ratio of tar to THC being filtered through the water is actually the opposite to what you would want it to be.

bong hits are sweet though and i do own 2 of them even though i have known this for a couple of years now
I didn't know that good bye water lol maybe we can find a liquid that does not filter THC until then no more water not that that's much of a problem since this morning :( but still i vow no more water in the bong for me how about ice does that filter out THC also?


New Member
i found that study.. i was slightly off with what i said...
"Combustion gases like carbon monoxide are water soluble, making water an effective filter medium for these kinds of components in marijuana smoke. On the other hand, THC and other cannabinoids are not water soluble, permitting them to pass through water and to be inhaled. While tars and particulate matter are not water soluble, water nevertheless does seem to retain some of them. On the other hand, the cannabinoids have certain chemical properties that make them "sticky". The practical implication of this chemical property is that the cannabinoid molecules tend to adhere tightly to the tars (particulate matters) produced when marijuana is burned. Therefore, when marijuana smoke is filtered through a water medium, some of the cannabinoids will be filtered out along with the tars to which they are chemically bonded."
MAPS - Volume 5 Number 1 Summer 1994 - The MAPS / California NORML water pipe study / vaporizer study


Active Member
if you hit the ash with your lighter it will just kinda dicintigrate. the green will stay in there and you'll be hittin smoke son