Bottom leaves Dying 1 Week Into Flower

The bottom 3 or 4 sets of leaves are going brown and falling off.
It seems as though its because they aren't getting enough light.
The top half of the plant looks really healthy but the bottom half looks shite.

Its 5 weeks old and in the first week of flower
600w HPS light
Canna soil
Big bud

No camera unfortunately

Can anyone please help?


As it goes to flower the leafes can start to go a bit brown or yellow as the plant puts all its energy into flowering and not the leafes but there are other reasons that might corse this like the soil being to acidic commanly from to much fert or not enough water for the plant just simple things that you prob got sorted but worth double checking and as for the light situation good tip is get a peace of cardboard same size as your grow room floor and cover with cooking foil shiny side up. thumb tac or stapple it to the card (try not to get the foil creased as it can concentrate light in one spot and burn holes in your plant) and put your girl on that she will love it had realy good results with this trick. and i will keep your floor clean as well.. good luck fella hope this might help you


Well-Known Member
^^^^ negative. Don't do any of that!! Your plant needs nitrogen. My leaves are never yellow when I harvest. I hit e
With a Lil veg nutes about the 6th week of flowering.


Active Member
Nitrogen will help for sure, but try googling "lolli popping cannibas". Its an interesting technique. Ive tried it. It seems to make a bit of a difference.


Well-Known Member
Lollipoping isn't gonna help. If your doing a soil grow composted steer manure is 5-0-0. Which is nitrogen only.