Botanicare's COCOROX vs HYDROLITE ?


Well-Known Member
I have always used hydroton clay pebbles as my grow medium, but after having to restart a few times recently in a short period of time, ive become tired of having to pre-wash and rinse all of it! Its a pain, so i want to try something new (preferably something i dont have to pre-wash)!

Let me also note that i am growing in a RECIRCULATING Ebb&Gro 12-BUCKET fill/drain type of system.

So what are my options?
From what ive found, i mainly have 2 other options for a medium..

-Botanicare's HYDROLITE (silica rocks)
-Botanicare's COCOROX (a mix of silica rocks and coco.. look it up!)

So here are my questions..

1... What do you guys think about the COCOROX? has anybody tried it? im intrigued..
2... Do you guys think the COCOROX would be better than the HYDROLITE for my system?
3... What other options do i have? (other than cocorox, hydrolite, and hydroton/clay pebbles)?
