Boston Area - Seeds Available


I live just north of Boston and use weed for pain control. Pathetically, though I have a chronic condition, Maritol cannot be prescribed to me in Massachusetts because in my case it would not be for oncology purposes.

I have a family and am sick of putting all of us at risk by buying weed from different people, some of whom I don't know. For that and for ecnomic reasons, I have decided to try to grow a few plants for my own use.

So, my question, brothers and sisters, is whether anyone would have a few seeds that you could give up. Five would be the max. This sounds like a charity case, I understand, but I figure I can't ask the queston anywhere if not here.

Thank you.
paxpiano at yahoo dot com.


Well-Known Member
just go buy a bag and get some seeds. or buy some online. your asking to get set up by posting for anything weed related online


Active Member
ya i am in aamesbury and the pot smokin hippie in me would love to do this for you.........
but the pot slinging seen to many people set up half gangter in me says sorry dude no can do.
but since we neighbors i will try to lighten your load of guilt in regards to "the laws" lived in new hamphire for a long time, and mass for a bit. live in mass now for 1 reason, click these its as good as it gets in mass.
i ordered my seeds from no cops were at my po box, all 5 of my seeds germinated. 4 females, 1 hermi. easy strain to grow. well worth it, 2 weekss to harvest............
i grew in mass 10 yrs ago had 1500 watts in peabody, not 1 cop knocked at my door.. and i was waayyyyy less stealthy
good luck