bonsai bud


Active Member
ive been thinking alot lately about trying to grow a plant in bonsai fashion, and was really just wondering if anyone had ever tried this or if it is even possible....any help on growth control, thoughts on growing on green moss, or growing on a rock would be awesome....and if you think its a dumbass idea that would never work, let me know that too.....bc like i said this is just something that i have been throwing around in my head for a while.....


Active Member
Its possible in the sense of how the plant looks bonsai(simple wire bending into shape). Actually bonsai(miniture) is kind of hard sense growing up to harvest is so short.

tleaf jr.

Well-Known Member
you can make a bonsai plant out of a mother but not just any plant your veg would be to long IMO


Well-Known Member
I read in High Times once how to make a plant you can grow in the open that no one would know was a marijuana plant. It involved making it a bonsai and trimming the leaves in a clever fashion. Anyway, I gave it a whirly but I got paranoid and chucked it. However, it was definitely working initially, and I would love to try again. Let me know how yours go.


Active Member
a nother great way to keep plants small is to bud them right after the first set of leafs you will end up with one big bud a little over 1/8 oz this takes 60 days from seed to harvest and they dont get over 6 in tall


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I find this article interesting for the 1 0z shotglass grow contest. I thought it wouldn't be good for your plants to trim the leaves.


i was just wondering if you can do this with a ruderalis indica hybrid?, Im wondering to the potency aspect also, because if im correct the bonsai process puts the plant under alot of stress and reduces potency, and as most people know ruderalis is almost devoid of thc. So is it even worth growing or trying to bonsai?


Active Member
These are my three little 'Bonsai Buds'. Completely unintentional. I left them in their jiffy pots too long, and when I put them outside in late may, they instantly started flowering. I then moved them indoors under 24 hour light but they weren't reverting back to veg, and I finally had to move them back outside due to my family having company. I musta confused the shit out of these plants cause they haven't grown an inch since being put outdoors again. On the bright side, they're smelling fantastic. :-P
But notice that none of these plants have typical leaves, I don't prune them, this is just how they've grown.