Bombings in Paris..


Well-Known Member
you cant all honestly say you truly truly love living on earth when there's a chance this could happen anytime anyplace ???

I would be worried to the back of my teeth if i had a family, to not think about it happening to you while you eat at restaurant is crazy ....... good job shit like this blows over and blinds us of it until next time it happens hey.

thank god for blow overs, it would be a life sentence to anyone involved now.

life can suck my dick !!!! period.
Cool avatar. +1


Well-Known Member
it is not is a needed evil

u want someone to blame ...blame the governments for there inaction in dealing with ISIS (they are the ones that caused this ) 2 years ago this would have been almost a impossible attack for them but since no one has taken the fight to them they have improved the attack skills allowing something like this to be executed

it is Barry's fault ......refusing to put boots on the ground because he wants a good place in history ( well let me tell u u are going down as one of the worst prez of all times ......hell i do not even think of u as a black prez u are just a jackass with no balls )

i am sorry ppl but be ready for the next one ......u have a mass exodus from the middle east 99% decent ppl 1% isis going all over europe
get ready for more everywhere ........they will get in country they will take time to set up the cell get the op set it up with the other cells and attack

u can not stop it now late 2 years ago had a fucking chance not anymore
As I said, just awful. I was speaking about all of it. Not just the loss of life.


Well-Known Member
uh....and it doesn't make you wonder? i bet they're wondering this same thing in paris today
Wonder about what? Their desire for wanting a better life? I can understand it. I can also understand using the chaos to slip in more terrorists, but my concern for life supersedes my fears.


Well-Known Member
it is not is a needed evil

u want someone to blame ...blame the governments for there inaction in dealing with ISIS (they are the ones that caused this ) 2 years ago this would have been almost a impossible attack for them but since no one has taken the fight to them they have improved the attack skills allowing something like this to be executed

it is Barry's fault ......refusing to put boots on the ground because he wants a good place in history ( well let me tell u u are going down as one of the worst prez of all times ......hell i do not even think of u as a black prez u are just a jackass with no balls )

i am sorry ppl but be ready for the next one ......u have a mass exodus from the middle east 99% decent ppl 1% isis going all over europe
get ready for more everywhere ........they will get in country they will take time to set up the cell get the op set it up with the other cells and attack

u can not stop it now late 2 years ago had a fucking chance not anymore

Also, I am an Amish looking fucker who at least has a certain degree of self awareness, which is good.
Ok, as far as specific disagreements go...

I think you are being naive to think that you can solve this with military force. If I had to criticize O'Bama it would be for his reliance on drones to do our dirty work. This will have the effect of making every American a combatant - especially those near Langley, etc.. Also, nothing could possibly make those who already consider themselves downtrodden to feel moreso.

I think that it is ridiculous to think that two years in this thousand year old fight would mean a thing. These are old tactics and old grudges. The only thing that suppressed them was a world structure of dual superpowers and a stack of petty dictators now gone or weakened. We were never going to dodge this bullet.

Strange as it might seem, I find myself against our military presence in the middle east at all. This is not about us nor can we make it better by bombing people from an unmanned drone. Every Western European country has more than enough Moslem population (thanks to "the white man's burden {colonialism}) not to bother importing them. By allowing their emigration, I feel that many good people will be saved, many good people will join the ranks of the sane, and that their economies (and ethnic restaurants) will benefit in the long run.

Every bomb we drop is a move in the wrong direction - sort of.
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