boiling or hot water in roots ON HARVEST DAY??


Maybe if you cut a chickens head off in front of your plants, it would make it cry THC tears.... LOL
I've researched putting the roots in boiling water....yes, its BS

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
Hell yeah man, I use to do that shit too!! Thought I was the only one... nice to know I'm not the only one though. :D

Also, I use to wind my plants around an aluminum coat hanger.. then hook up my marine battery charger (used to charge my jet skis) and put it on 'QUICK CHARGE' setting.. leave it on there over night.. then the next morning.. I swear to God by the next morning the plants would gain at least 2 feet in height!!! Now that method really brings the plants to 'Life'. ;)
Now we are getting some where. I like to twirl around on the floor like Curly from the Stooges, naked with an aluminum coat hanger wraped around my junk.. then hook up my marine battery charger (used to charge my jet skis) and put it on 'QUICK CHARGE' setting.. leave it on there over night, I have no clue what it does for my plants, Bu i really get off.
OMG...anytime I read a post that begins with "I heard from someone, somewhere..." I cringe. You are on the INTERNET. Do you have any idea how much info is out there? Why don't you do some research into it so you have the info first hand instead of listening to some idiot spewing old wives tales that hold no value or truth? There are people who dedicate their whole LIVES to botany and horticulture, who write books for our benefit. Why not use all this knowledge and experience to your advantage?