Bob the builder meets Pete the pot head

grass master 09

Active Member
I have taken an 8x8 corner area of my basement and framed it off. I used standand framing practices with 3/8 drywall. I have wired it with both 110 and 220. I had to seal off 2 of the basement windows for security and air quality control. I have pretreated the area with tempo WP insecticide to kill ANY insects that may have been in my area and I have used Drione dust to create a barrier to prevent pests from entering. I also used caulk to seal all air gaps between the studs and walls plus any seams between the drywall to studs. Basicly air tight.
Now for the fun stuff, I am about to adopt 6 cloned plants from a friend. They will be transported Sunday. They are in soil now and I will keep 4 in Veg and I want to take two of them to full term to check the quality before I clone from the four in Veg.
I want to take clones from the four and raise them areoponicly (new to me). I am also using just cfl's untill flowering. I plan to clone in a seperate area from the room and divide the room into veg and flower. I have pics of the construction that I will upload soon. I will update this next week with pics of the new girls.:weed:

grass master 09

Active Member
they are on 24/7 under 2ea 54watt HO florescent. I have an oil filled heater mantaining 72 degrees. I have a humidifyer that has the humitidy between 70/80 %. The will be transported into organic potting soil tomorrow into 2 gal pots. I have a fan that circulates the air and is helping root strength.


Active Member
Aw, ain't they cute? Good luck with your grow. Wish I could stand up in my basement without whacking my head. How long you figure to find out what you got? 7 weeks till valentines day.

grass master 09

Active Member
They started from clones from a loving mother. Day 2 of transplant and all is well. New 1k cool tube is odered and should be here J1 or close o Happy New Year.