blunt rolling techniques


Well-Known Member
i usually roll my blunts long and skinny because i would assume the extra paper wrapped around it helps it burn extra slow. i can roll super tight (to tight sometimes) and i think it helps it burn slower to. id say they burn so slow that i often dont even see any smoke rolling off the cherry and i think i timed a dutch master with 1 gram in it to burn 22 min...sorry i dont remember the time..everytime i decide i wanna time how long my blunt burns for i get to blazed and forget what the time was. lol. anyone else do stuff like that?


Well-Known Member
I roll all my doobies fat and long. To increase the weed/paper ratio. That paper is really bad for you. Especially the tobacco in blunts.


Well-Known Member
i cheat and roll my blunt papers around a pen, then grind my herb up real nice and stuff it in. But i only smoke a blunt on special occasions and when i do, i dip it in honey :blsmoke: