Blue Widow Led Test Grow


Active Member
this is my first time posting a journal i just got some new equipment (tent and exhaust) so ill only have one plant going to make sure everything is running smoothly.

Strain: dinafem blue widow
light: 240 blackstar led
soil: fox farm ocean forest
nutes: fox farm
tent: 2x2x5 going to use for sog growing after this grow

also im getting a small brown spot on one of the leaf tips any suggestions on the cause.


Well-Known Member
i really need to get my hands on this Blue Widow. oi heard about it a few weeks ago. the dude told me its a new strain not many peeps now bout it yet. a little brown spec is nothing at this point. could just be light spot. you'll get them. what kind of nutes you going to use? the 5ft may limit you. i have a 4x4x7. they triple in size in flower. so with the hood and light your really looking at 4ft. your going to need a new tent. unless you are growing lowryders or something, your going to want to keep it low and bushy! you mentioned sog. that may work. but with 1 you wont have no!!


Active Member
yea im not doing to sog with this grow this is my first time growing blue widow and i wasn't sure on the stretch it would make so i am running one can take it out and put in spare closet if i need to. was going to veg for 2 weeks or 5 set of branches which ever came first and then go 12/12

I'm also thinking about putting it under my 400 hps for flowering and doing a perpetual grow