Blue Venom & NL x Skunk closet grow....2nd grow with CFL*


Well-Known Member
:peace:Day 37:peace:: Since the last time I posted I have since lstd the plants a little and started them a folair feeding schedule. I now think the yellowing was due to nute def and not only from the PH stuff I was using. I am going to start them back on 1/2 nutes for a feedings or two till I boost them up to full strength. As you can see I lstd them out in a little compass type formation. I'm really just trying to get even lighting coverage on all the canopy. I'm planning on vegging another 2-3 weeks before I start flowering. They are doing very well in their 5 gallons bags, allthough I still think it is overkill.

I can't wait to see how those 105w bulbs work out for flowering these little girls:mrgreen:. I figured it out the other night and when I flower I'll be working with about 40,000 lumens. Not too bad spread over 4 plants:roll:.

With one day of folair feeding I can't really tell if it is helping or not. The yellowing tends to be localized around the bottom fan leaves. And thats one of the main reasons I'm leaning towards nute def instead of anything else. I think when I start them on their nutes again they will be fine as I said above. Got some pics of the little ladies. You can see the little lst I did with the pipe cleaners:-?. Like I said I'm not big on lst as I have a lot more room to grow upwards than outwards, but with the lighting set up that I'm using it only makes sense to spread them out a little. Enjoy!

I'm really hoping more people with join in with some comments or what not. I'm also open to suggestions or constructive criticism!!!:blsmoke::peace:



Well-Known Member
Day 44:

Tonight will be the first night of flowering. I got my room switched over to my 6500k lights and I've got my 105w along with two 42w. I really wish I only had 3 plants as everything would fit a lot better but can't bring myself to kill one of them. Maybe one will be a boy, but I'm not hoping for it! Will have pics up tom. They have really exploded.


Well-Known Member
Day 45: Day 2 flowering.

Just thought I'd do my tues update with pics and what not:peace:. Babies are doing great. As it says in the title it is day 2 of flowering. Mon I set up the whole room with 6500k bulbs and put the into 12/12 cycle.

I'm running about 520w in the room right now.:eyesmoke:

Really I'm wishing I only had 3 plants I could get better light coverage and what not. They are still looking great though. And the heat is staying at about 80.

The yellowing and everything has stopped on the leaves. Only getting some light nute def coming about on the leaves but nothing bad. Just upped the nutes for em the last couple feedings and they should be fine.
Stopped the foliar feeding too.

The smell pretty dank alreadybongsmilie. Luckly smell does not matter where I live. Got some nice pictures to look at. You can tell the BV from the NL, BV are the bigger/bushy ones. They are all looking pretty green and nice. Of course the one NL is a couple days behind so it is the runt of the group.

First days of flowering and I'm already getting excited!:blsmoke:

Comments, advice?




Well-Known Member
Day 46: day 3 of flowering and they are already showing sex! The 2 NL are both females and one of the BV is also a female!

Really looking to upgrade my floros for a 250w HPS just don't kow about heat issues but I think I would be alright.


Well-Known Member
Day 50: This was a big day and I had to make some tuff choices:-?. I just didn't have enough room in my closet for all four plants. I had to cut it down to two. So I picked the better of the BV and NL and they were the chosen ones. So I redid the grow room for only those two plants. I broke one of my 105w bulbs in the process:evil:. I was pissed....thats really the only bad news for the day. So I set up the grow room for the two babies and went and got 2 more 42w cfls.

So now I have 4 42w CFLs (2700k) 3 23w (6500k) 1 105w (2700k) and 4 4 ft floros (39w each) on the sides (6500K) and 4 4ft floros on top (2700K). Nice little set up for two girls:roll:.

But tonight I broke down and even bought a 150w HPS bulb:mrgreen::mrgreen:!!! Im going to replace the two over head floros the 2700k for the 150w HPS. I'm going to keep all the other CFLs for side lighting and what not. I think this is going to give me some nice dense nugs:eyesmoke:!! I'll take some pictures of the room tomorrow so you can get a better idea.

So your wondering what I did with the other two plants:confused:? I didn't just kill them, oh no I could never. As I took the leap from CFL growing to HPS, I also took the leap from indoor growing to outdoor:roll:. Thats right I put those ladies outside. Not just on my back porch either. I live on some land so I went in my woods and found my a nice spot. I fashioned this old cabbit cag into a nice little home for my babies. I camo'd everything and put those babies in their new homes. I'm thinking its june anyways so they will prob just keep flowering......I hope:-?.

Thats the plan. As I said a lot happened today. No one really comments so prob no one reads neways. Oh well its good way for me to keep track. I have a horrible memory!

haha, well peace for tonight:peace::peace:


Well-Known Member
@allen: Thanks man glad to have you along. I don't get many supporters around here. Wouldn't mind the input if you have any.

Day 53: Flowering day 9: First I want to say sorry I didn't post my usual pics but they are in the early stages of flowering and I didn't want to pull them out. I'll have em next week for you guys though. The two in the house are doing amazing. I still haven't gotten my HPS yet but it should come any day. Also waiting on my new order of Jacks. Anyways the budsites on both are looking great. Like I said I'll have some pics up next week for you.

The girls outside are also going my surprise. It has rained the last 3 days in a row but they seem to like it. They seem to be still flowering but it is way to early to tell. I'll keep you guys updated.


Well-Known Member
Day 60: Flowering day 16: Two weeks into flowering and the girls are looking great. I know I've become a little laxed on the posting, partly because I really don't think anyone follows this grow/journal and partly because my girl broke the camera.
Ya she put it in her purse and idk what happen but it wont turn on now. So untill I go and buy another camera, prob next week, I just don't have the urge to post because I can't add pics too.
Nothing really new to report with the girls indoors, they are doing great. The buds are forming very nice and they seem to love the new Jacks Classic I go them on. I feed em about every watering with jacks and FFTB/FFBB. They seem to love the mix. Once I run out of FFTB I'm just going to keep them on Jacks and FFBB (for the castings and guano). It's a cheap but good nute regiment.
The ones outside are mosters. They have grown to about 5-6feet high. They are huge. They don't really seem to flowering, well not as much as the ones indoors, but its not really bothering me. If they take a little longer to flower but have moster buds I'll be happy. It's been raining here a lot so I havent been watering them much. Like I said though I don't really like describing stuff with no cam. But they are pretty.
Really no problems of any sort at the moment, *knock on wood*. There is still some nute def/sickness on the lower leaves of the plants but I can't figure out what it is. Might be chlorine burn from my tap water but idk. I'll keep you updated...whoever does read.



Well-Known Member
Mini update because I just talked my girl into buying a new cam. So I will have pics up tonight! Yay!!:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Day 65: Flowering day 21 yesterday I did my second flush of my grow. I flush 3 times every grow. Once at 3 weeks old usually a week after I transplant them, I flush a second time 3 weeks into flowering, and then I flush a third time 6weeks into flowering or 2 weeks before harvest give or take. I did a epsom salt flush yesterday that I got off of some forum a while back. Remember I have them in 5 gal bags.
Basically I flushed with 6 gals reg water, then 1 gal of epsom water (1tsp espom salt to 1 gal water), and then 1 gal of nute/epsom water (1/8 to 1/4 nutes and 1 tsp epsom to 1 gal water).
The benifits of a epsom flush are two fold, it cleans out all the bad salts that can contribute to nute lock/nute def and it adds good nutes like Mg. I did that yesterday so when the lights come on today they should be looking great *fingers crossed*.

My nute regiment now consist of: 1 tsp jacks classic bloom (every gal of water), 1/4-1/2 tsp FF Tiger Bloom(every gal of water), 1-2 tblsp FF Big Bloom(every gal of water), and 1/8-1/4 tsp of FF Big Grow (every 3 gals of water)

Like I said I'll have more pics up today. The new set up is working great! Peace:peace:


Well-Known Member
Scribed. Maaan those are nice lookin. I wish i could get my hands on some NL seeds.
Right on man. I have been following your grow too but thanks for letting me know you subed! I don't get a lot of input/visitors around these parts anymore.

Yea to be honest I'm thinking I prefer the BV because I just seems like the buds are so much bigger and it looks like its going to have a way bigger harvest. I've heard the NL smoke though is much better. I'll let you know man! I cant wait. About 5-6 weeks left of flowering!


Well-Known Member
Here you guys go...whoever still follows this...

These pics are of my two lovley ladies.

21 Days into flowering.


i read through your whole psting from when they were small u did an awsome job your leaves are literally frosted.its hard to stop but man i wish i had ur shit. i just started about 11 random bag seeds well a few more but 11 made it frm germ. i lost a few today but i got some nice looking ones still growing.i got them in ur basic "ghetto" setup,in a closet with lights and and foil on the walls.they are on a 18/6.i just basicly planted and hope i get luck.i've got the time and the money to put into it,im just more worried i'll do the WRONG thing and fuck em up.but i got about 7 just growing regularly you know just water with i going to produce any thing just off that?or do i have to use different "chemicals"?This is my first REAL attempt just want to take right road.


Well-Known Member
i read through your whole psting from when they were small u did an awsome job your leaves are literally frosted.its hard to stop but man i wish i had ur shit. i just started about 11 random bag seeds well a few more but 11 made it frm germ. i lost a few today but i got some nice looking ones still growing.i got them in ur basic "ghetto" setup,in a closet with lights and and foil on the walls.they are on a 18/6.i just basicly planted and hope i get luck.i've got the time and the money to put into it,im just more worried i'll do the WRONG thing and fuck em up.but i got about 7 just growing regularly you know just water with i going to produce any thing just off that?or do i have to use different "chemicals"?This is my first REAL attempt just want to take right road.
First let me thank Norma for stoping by and showing some love on my not only my journal but my other post too.:joint:

Let say thank you before I say anything else. I like the vibe you bring man, very positive.

First you need to get rid of that tin foil. Its not very reflective at all and can cause "hot spots" on your plants and burn them. Kind of like when you concentrate the sun to kill an ant....get it? Now I know you said you have the money but if you want to keep it ghetto take a trip over to walmart and pick up a couple emergency blankets out the camping section. They are pretty reflective and don't cost but like 2 dollars I think. I have I pic of them earlier in my journal. But if you have the money buy some mylar off of the internet thats the best.

18/6 is a good light regiment to have them on. I do a 20/4 which is almost the same. I just don't believe in a 24/0 light regiment, I mean nature doesnt have 24 hours of light.

Now when you say lights, what kind of lights? How many lights?

My first grow I flowered to massive plants (about 4-5ft tall) pretty much with 4ft floros. I mean your def going to produce something off of those plants but depending on how much light your giving them your prob just going to end up with some fluffy ass buds.

Are you using any nutes (chemicals) right now? If your not then you might want to look into some good nutes. I can recommend some if you would like. Anymore questions your got man I can help you out. I love growing and talking about growing so ask away!


Active Member
i read through your whole psting from when they were small u did an awsome job your leaves are literally frosted.its hard to stop but man i wish i had ur shit. i just started about 11 random bag seeds well a few more but 11 made it frm germ. i lost a few today but i got some nice looking ones still growing.i got them in ur basic "ghetto" setup,in a closet with lights and and foil on the walls.they are on a 18/6.i just basicly planted and hope i get luck.i've got the time and the money to put into it,im just more worried i'll do the WRONG thing and fuck em up.but i got about 7 just growing regularly you know just water with i going to produce any thing just off that?or do i have to use different "chemicals"?This is my first REAL attempt just want to take right road.
Don't worry too much about doing something wrong. I started my plants outside till the second set of leaves popped out, moved them in my garage too far under not enough light for nearly a month before i finally moved them inside with proper lighting. I've broken one of my plants in half, overwatered them, burnt them with my lights and tried all kinds of experiments with LST, and they are still growing strong.

Check out for some really good info.