Blue Ryder Problem?


Well-Known Member
Hey fellas, I have a Blue Ryder that's about 2-3 weeks from harvest. I use the following:

FF Happy Frog w/ Perlite added
215ppm Tap that is in a bucket with airstone
FF entire line + solubles
Botanicare Cal-Mag
400w HPS 10" above
Temps 72-78

I have checked my go to plant problem photo abuse charts and guides and can't seem to figure out what "problem" if any the plant is exhibiting.

I have been feeding it every 3 waterings. Started at 1/4 dosage at the beginning of March and am currently at 3/4 recommended dosage.




Well-Known Member
are u allowing the soil to dry out completely between waterings? Also what size is the container, it could be root-bound. the leaves will droop like that when the roots get too crowded.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I do let the top half of the soil dry out before I water it again. I use the lift the pot method and a rapitest moisture meter. It's only in a 5x5x5 pot which is really small and I never transplanted it to a bigger pot because it looked like it was going to be small from the start. I have another autoflower in the same size pot that is bigger than the Blue Ryder which I'm going to chop in the next few days. I'm more concerned with the color of the leaves. The reddish-brown spots. The yellowing I know is the plant using up its nitrogen.