Blue Mystics and a Dynamite


Well-Known Member
Hey growers!

I'm growing in, and i just harvested my, and now it's time to move the girls up!

First picture is a dynamite, and the other two are blue mystics, all from clones. The other picture from up top are one of the clones from the first group (taller of the two -- maple mango), and one from the second group (blue mystic), and a recently rooted clone, which i hope is a girl (northern lights).

down below are a lot of other maple mango, blue mystic, and in the rockwool, northern lights. the solo cups are various plants that i've started training...

the only problem im having is the yellowing of the plants, which i think is due to the lights being so bright and bleaching them out. does anyone know what will help with that?

let me know what you think, more posts to come!

