Blue Mystic Auto Flower Closet Hydro Grow

Cheer mate.. my friend..:roll: lol has them on a 16/8 light cycle throughout the entire grow and only feeds a small dose (4ml per ltr) of Tomato nutes until first sign of flowers show..then will switch to organic bloom from boibizz! The grow is for Medicinal use only and hopefully be completed around the festive season? Saves him going out and spending the money he don't have on dog shit weed.. haha!! Here in the UK It's illegal to grow so I'm a little skeptic and paranoid about adding my own thread! But I'll keep you posted on how 'my friends grow' turns out. Stay high ..peace.
Here's an update on the Blue Mystic. The big plant is now 41 days old and is in a week into flowering. The little one is now 32 days old and has grown a lot. She is female and looks like she should start flowering here within the next week. You may notice the bigger plant looks a bit thinner. This is because my partner trimmed up all the big fan leafs on it. Also we did have a scare that the big one was turning hermie on us but that issue is resolved. ;)
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I no some of you will believe LST is a bad idea for autoflowering plants. Well check this out.. day 29 (4 Days since the first pic above^^) and look at her now...plant2.jpg Speaks for itself really! :peace:


Here's my auto blue mystic before and after i just cut her, she looks decent to me buds feel dense, IMG_0875[1].jpgIMG_0876[1].jpgIMG_0878[1].jpgIMG_0879[1].jpgi will let you know how much i end up getting from her once they have dried and cured, im curious to see how yours do in comparison to mine, considering i used a somewhat basic nutrient for grow and bloom, but you're plants are looking great! ( i was also thinking it would be beneficial to fim or top autos when they are really young while its starting its initial growth shouldn't effect its time in veg [or not by much] i would think, just to get max yield outta an auto. )
Its hit and miss really and a first time trying lst an auto. This one is responding very well to being stressed but the other 2 did not and seemed to stop growing? They must have been in shock(i hear you can do that?)! So the decision was made to release them from any stress and there slowly recovering. The down side to this is the plants are gonna be very small resulting is a small yield..Ah well we live and learn.


Well-Known Member
Here are the nutes we are currently using. It is the "Recipe for success starter kit" by technaflora plant products ltd. View attachment 2375248View attachment 2375249

I use the same line of nutes, mostly because I am not a chemist and they are easy to put together but also, I've found that the Technaflora line is pretty cost-effective. They don't give you enough Sugar Daddy in that starter kit, and you need to really reduce the amount they recommend on their recipe for success feeding chart, but I am pretty happy with this line. I generally don't go higher than 3/4 strength on their recipe and with the autos I am currently running, I haven't taken it higher than 50% strength.

How often do you check your PH and PPM/EC?

Are you finding that having a multi-site res is causing your smaller plants to get crowded out of the light by the bigger plant? What do you plan to do when your big plant needs Bloom recipe while your little one still needs Grow recipe?

On my first run with DWC, I started out in 18 Gal totes and ended up switching to 3.5 Gal buckets because of the different nutritional requirements each of my 4 plants needed. I also did 3 different strains, but even the 2 plants that were the same strain were different Phenos, so the multi-site tote res just didn't work for me. Now if I had clones all from the same mother plant, the multi-site res could have worked because all the plants would be genetically the same and have the same phenos and nutritional needs.

Something to think about as you go forward and as your plant gets deeper into the flowering process.

Also, I noticed your roots had some nutrient stain. Not a big deal, but I get concerned about any darkening colors in my roots, as I have seen via research all sorts of things cause serious root issues. The one thing I add to my res that seems to take care of this is a liquid composting solution made by Botnicare called "AquaShield". Aquashield contains a number of beneficial microbes which feed on harmful microbes that lead to root issues, including root rot. I am not saying you are headed for root rot, but you know the ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I highly recommend using 2 tsp per gallon of water of AS adding some every 7-10 days.

Looks like your first run is coming along nicely. The love you are showing your plants is there for all to see.
33 days old. (4 days since my last post) and she's doing very well. She's very forgiving after the stress she's been put through..I'm amassed how fast she recovers! Remember CFL lights are not all that bad! P291012_09.53.jpgP291012_09.54.jpg . To think its taken just over 1 week to see these results from Day 25 to Day 33.. Truly amassed! :leaf:
well its nearing the final week of a blue mystic auto's life and she's looking great. The second plant has been chopped(due to complication) and is now curing nicely(approximately 16g dry). Here are some update pics. P241112_17.07_[01].jpgP251112_17.46.jpg. Remember guys.. LST auto's isn't always a bad idea. I'd recommend it to anyone. Peace Out:eyesmoke:

muds buds

imo blue mystic stinks of berrys and forest fruits but the quality isnt there in the smoke, i find its a bud more for the smell and taste.
Well guys I know that it has been a while. I feel bad for not posting any harvest or dry bud pictures but I let you know how it went. We yielded about an ounce total in dry weight. The buds were REALLY fluffy but were caked in crystals. The smell throughout the grow process was virtually non-existant, even after we harvested.

**Smoke Report**
Like I said, buds were really fluffy and airy due to the lighting. The taste was awesome though. It was a smooth fruity hit. The high was definitely a indica type. I took 3 nice sized hits and was couch-locked and felt soooo relaxed.:eyesmoke:

Overall it was a fun strain to grow. Under the right conditions with more lighting it would be a lot better i'm sure. Definitely a good strain to start with if you're a beginner. We never had any problems with feeding. If you have any questions let me know. Other than that, I'm planning on getting a 135w blackstar led for the next grow which I may start soon. (Most likely will be same sort of set up.) Stay high my friends.