Blue Hash 150W HPS SCROG


Active Member
So, I've finished up my second grow and I'm ready to move on to a new strain and growing method. After doing a couple of days research on it, I decided I'm going to try out SCROG. I'm planning (at the moment) 2 Dinafem Blue Hash in 2.5 gallon buckets, 150w HPS, and a 24" x 24" (w/ 2" squares) nylon screen. Screen to be mounted 8-10 inches above the plants. Medium will be 50/50 Peat Moss and Perlite.

Veg: 2.5 - 3 weeks under 2 x 32w t8 4" 6500k linear florescents
Flower: 6-8 weeks under 150w HPS

I've still got to build my net, but the seeds were germed last night and I just put them into their Jiffy Pellets under the T8's.

Since there isn't anything exciting to take pics of yet, I'm really just looking for advice right now. Should I top them to help promote branching ? Or would it be a waste of time in scrog to wait for the plant to recover ? Dinafem's Blue Hash is an indica dom hybrid... but says it grows more like a sativa and buds like a indica.

Anyone with good experience with this strain, method, or both ? I'm still on a tight budget, so the 150w HPS in the best I can do for now.

I'll post some pics of the setup once I have my screen built. Thanks for any response's in advance !


Well-Known Member
Subscribed....just got some Dinafem Seeds today in the mail. Looking forward to seeing how they turn out for ya!
hiya Mr jones, I cant say I have any exp with those seeds so cant help you out sorry.......but maybe you can help me :).............
this is my first grow, and im only growing 1 plant too with a 150W hps like you are so just wanted to know if you have used it on its own befor before, and what kind of results you got?
I really dont want to fuck this first grow up compleately but a 150watter is all i can afford too and I just need to hear that it will help make some tastey shizzle ya know

thanx if you can help and happy growing!!


Active Member
Nothing fancy happening yet, and the plant isn't tall enough to sorry with the screen yet either.. I've decided to veg a bit longer than I originally intended too. The leaves have that "fat" indica look, so I'm hoping these plants naturally stay a bit lower.The 4' t8 sits about 2" above the plants and they're in a loosely closed 2' x 5 1/2" x 6'. One blower fan and I've blown smoke in there to test air circulation, and it's fine.The room the closet is in sits in the basement with 1 window that I have put up cardboard to block out light, so light leakage isn't a prob.Autocorrect is awesome. I'm high as fuck, but this shit is making sense of it, ya know ?


hello guys,and cool setup man im subbed,just thought id throw you a question,im doin a scrog with sour cream x 4,and im wonderin if my screen is enough filled to switch to flowering,im not jackin the thread just seen you were srogin and thought id ask the question,they have been veged for 2.5 weeks now and dont want to leave them too long as i no there is still plenty of strech left in flower,here are the pics and thanks,and the one by its self is a lstd sharks breath(i have high hopes for this baby)peace out:-P:-P

