Blue cheese/cheese grows


Well-Known Member
yea space isnt an issue. so ima just get another light and same dwc setup. I got the one from The OXYPONIC system


Active Member
yer u should do well with 2 600's try and find a steains whats small and bushy just like cheese,give them a good bit of space so the lower arms grow all most vertical,its amazin wot u can do with the cheese plants if u got the space and the light


Active Member
yer u should do mate i would defo recomend it promise u,no matter what strains i come across from now i will always have cheese growing,if i was u i would go for the blue cheese

its amazin mate,truely is


Active Member
hahaha,ohhhh so weve got an internet banger fukin hell bro talkin shit on the internet is 1 thing but hatin on plants on a weed forum lol
get the fuk outta here!


New Member
no hating on weed and your plants look yummy and i want to try that strain but i got a fucker on my back and like i said sorry it came here
btw where did u get your seeds

hahaha,ohhhh so weve got an internet banger fukin hell bro talkin shit on the internet is 1 thing but hatin on plants on a weed forum lol
get the fuk outta here!