blower or fan? need advice!


Active Member
ok so i have a pretty decent closet grow going and i need to seal up the light because its bright!

I have a 400 mh in a 3 x 4 x 4 high box in a closet.

Now for the exhaust setup:

There is a 8 inch circular desk fan (duramax i think) on top pulling air from a duct that sits next to the light and then pushing the air out into a homemade carbon filter.
I currently have a huge box fan pushing air into the box but thats gotta go.

What do you think i should do from this point? get a blower or another desktop fan? I was thinking about getting a more powerful fan at the top for the carbon filter and using my desk fan with a duct behind it to blow into the setup. that way i have negative pressure and everything comes out through the filter.

What "thing" should I get?