bleach in rez water?


Active Member
Bleach is by far the best and easiest method for killing Pythium, slime and plants love it, well in moderation anyway. I run fully synthetic nutes in RDWC and apply 5% household bleach at 5ml per 50L every 3 days, I had a really bad case of root rot some time back and tried many enzyme based products to no avail, what I will say is RDWC is definitely not for organics or enzymes of any kind full stop! They cause way more problems than there ever gonna solve. I found using 10ml every 3rd day for the first week wiped out the slime and sterilised everything, from then on in 5ml again every 3rd day, within 1-2 weeks the roots exploded with new growth, plants looked happy and no sign of and slime anywhere! Don't knock it until you've tried it and if you do I'm sure you'll be happy with the results! Anyone ever opened Pythoff and smelt the stuff... BLEACH AT ITS PUREST FORM IM SURE. BLEACH IS BY FAR THE BEST, SIMPLE!


Active Member
I used to buy the 20$ bottle of hydrogen peroxide from the hydro stores then commercial greenhouse growers saved me a fortune on my car insurance.
No but seriously I used to sanitize and prevent algae and all the good stuff with H2O2 then I learned the powers of Bleach.
I have tested it from rooted clone stage to harvest 3 times now with amazing results.....

my personal battle between which was better

- rez's tend to get funky and buds tend to taste like their enviorment they were grown in.

h202 has a naturally funky odor in itself and tends to do better as an oxidizer than a algae/root rot killer
Bleach keeps the rez very sterile and fresh even 2 weeks into a fill, also has proven to be 100% effective in ELIMINATING root rot at the right dosages (see this thread

h202 leaves burns on your skin with even the slightest splash you never seen coming
bleach leaves a nice stain on your new black shirt you never saw coming

h202 can burn those fine hairs on roots when roots submerge long periods of time (dwc)
bleach has produced some amazing white clean sterile roots in my experience

equal evaporation time inside of a solution

H2O2 $20
bleach 69cents

I tested it obviously on a smaller scale but i pump a lot of bleach nowdays when things get funky and have never ever seen a side effect...... as a matter of fact chlorine is in some way an essential to plants i read somewhere you will always have debates 24/7 vs 18/6 ........ indoor vs outdoor........1000w vs 600w...... but for some reason bleach has been a eternal enemy of the hobby growers due to a bad rep and the debate is very lopsided ...... but trust me when i say I can run 30mil of bleach in 50gal rez everyday for a week to treat and have no side effects I have heard of some people using twice that to effective kill off pythium ... I add .25 ml per gal everydayto my rez and never get any problems

I use R/O also go figure the things I initialy was convinced to buy the R/O system to remove I now add...... sigh
Amen to that


Well-Known Member
Bleach is by far the best and easiest method for killing Pythium, slime and plants love it, well in moderation anyway. I run fully synthetic nutes in RDWC and apply 5% household bleach at 5ml per 50L every 3 days, I had a really bad case of root rot some time back and tried many enzyme based products to no avail, what I will say is RDWC is definitely not for organics or enzymes of any kind full stop! They cause way more problems than there ever gonna solve. I found using 10ml every 3rd day for the first week wiped out the slime and sterilised everything, from then on in 5ml again every 3rd day, within 1-2 weeks the roots exploded with new growth, plants looked happy and no sign of and slime anywhere! Don't knock it until you've tried it and if you do I'm sure you'll be happy with the results! Anyone ever opened Pythoff and smelt the stuff... BLEACH AT ITS PUREST FORM IM SURE. BLEACH IS BY FAR THE BEST, SIMPLE!
What temp's your water


Active Member
18-19c using a chiller in flower but when vegging sometimes creeps to around 22ish, without the bleach in veg I'd be screwed for sure


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, anyone know how rare a chlorine deficiency is? It would be stupid to drink any nute water with a hard ppm not just chlorine.


Active Member
Had root tot creep up on me in my 5g DWC buckets. They where starting to get that fishy/pond smell. Can't afford more hydroponic stuff at the moment so after reading through all this info I thought about it more. We are feeding our plants chemicals, it only makes sense using a chemical solution. So I tried it. 14 drops in 14 liters of water. 9 hours later and the root rot is almost cleared up and the res, roots and plant all seem awesome! I think common bleach is the solution, will be adding it on regular basis.