Black professor - Dr. Cornel West: President Obama Is A ‘War Criminal’


Well-Known Member
Trump opposed that phony war but the Clintons, Obaa and Bushes were all for it.
The long shadow of the Iraq War continues to color presidential politics.

In a forum focused on national security, Democrat Hillary Clinton was questioned about her Senate vote in favor of action against Iraq. She in turn noted that Donald Trump initially supported the war.

When it was Trump’s turn, the Republican nominee denied the charge.

"I was totally against the war in Iraq," Trump said during the NBC News event. "You can look at Esquire magazine from '04. You can look at before that."

Well, we have gone back further than the 2004 interview Trump mentioned, and the record tells a different story.

Trump has a hard time getting past a September 2002 interview with shock jock Howard Stern. Stern asked Trump if he supported the looming invasion.

Trump responded, "Yeah, I guess so."

Trump dialed that back a bit in another interview in January 2003, a few months before the invasion. Fox News’ Neil Cavuto asked Trump whether President George W. Bush should be more focused on Iraq or the economy.

"Well, he has either got to do something or not do something, perhaps, because perhaps shouldn't be doing it yet and perhaps we should be waiting for the United Nations, you know," Trump said. "He's under a lot of pressure. I think he's doing a very good job. But, of course, if you look at the polls, a lot of people are getting a little tired. I think the Iraqi situation is a problem. And I think the economy is a much bigger problem as far as the president is concerned."

So Trump put the economy ahead of confronting Iraq, but he didn’t speak against going to war. At most he suggested waiting for the United Nations to do something.

A week after the United States invaded Iraq on March 19, 2003, Trump gave different takes. At an Academy Awards after-party, Trump said that "the war’s a mess," according to the Washington Post. He told Fox News that because of the war, "The market’s going to go up like a rocket."

The earliest evidence of Trump’s outright opposition to the war came in that August 2004 article in Esquire:

"Look at the war in Iraq and the mess that we're in. I would never have handled it that way," Trump said.

Trump has been challenged many times in this election to explain his early acceptance of the war. In a February 2016 interview on NBC’s Meet the Press, Trump said that he didn’t know what he meant during his 2002 conversation with Stern.

"That was a long time ago, and who knows what was in my head." Trump said.

Our ruling

Trump said he was "totally against the war in Iraq." While he came to that position when the war became difficult, earlier on he was more accepting of military action. In 2002, asked if America should go to war, he said, "I guess so." Less than three months before the invasion, Trump said the president should be more focused on the economy, but he didn’t speak against launching an attack.

Trump didn’t speak often about the Iraq War before it happened, but what he said did not add up to the sort of opposition he describes today.

We rate this claim False.

Share The Facts

Donald Trump
GOP presidential nominee

Bro dont bother stating facts to these fools, they are just gonna call you names and label you a nazi if you dont agree with anything they say..... boy lovers
It's a fact that donald trump did not oppose the war until after the war began. It's also a fact that he lies constantly about his position on the Iraq war and lies about his opposition of it. Then those lies are repeated by his supporters. You want to stop lies help people that parrot trump learn the truth.


Well-Known Member
If he was in Fallujah - he would know the shitty drug the US troops were given.

The Iraqis had nothing to do with 9/11. Trump opposed that phony war but the Clintons, Obaa and Bushes were all for it.

Also all for that war for opium in Afghanistan. Wonder why heroin addictions are exploding in the USA and western countries? I know people who were over there and the Bushes/Clintons/Obama CIA are protecting those poppy fields.

Oh and if you think I am a white supremacist - many black people have been in the front pointing out exactly what I am talking about. Rick Ross has talked endlessly on how the CIA flooded black commuinites with crack and cocaine.

That lunar lander door was too flimsy. Amirite?


Well-Known Member
If he was in Fallujah - he would know the shitty drug the US troops were given.

The Iraqis had nothing to do with 9/11. Trump opposed that phony war but the Clintons, Obaa and Bushes were all for it.

Also all for that war for opium in Afghanistan. Wonder why heroin addictions are exploding in the USA and western countries? I know people who were over there and the Bushes/Clintons/Obama CIA are protecting those poppy fields.

Oh and if you think I am a white supremacist - many black people have been in the front pointing out exactly what I am talking about. Rick Ross has talked endlessly on how the CIA flooded black commuinites with crack and cocaine.

Heroin use in developed countries has been falling sharply (no pun intended) for 10-15 years at least.

The new problem addictive substances on the up (no pun intended, again) are prescription medications.


Well-Known Member
you beat on midgets?
Yes, mental midgets such as yourself. Maybe I can join your protestor buddies in Berkeley, you know, where full grown men punch, mace, and throw rocks at women. Yeah, you guys are a bunch of real badasses.

Whiney, women beating little bitch badasses. Funny you guys call everyone else women haters, while you tough guys condone beating them.


Well-Known Member
Yes, mental midgets such as yourself. Maybe I can join your protestor buddies in Berkeley, you know, where full grown men punch, mace, and throw rocks at women. Yeah, you guys are a bunch of real badasses.

Whiney, women beating little bitch badasses. Funny you guys call everyone else women haters, while you tough guys condone beating them.
Oh yeah, the Berkeley Protestor Massacre.

At least 1.5m dead.


Well-Known Member
Yes, mental midgets such as yourself. Maybe I can join your protestor buddies in Berkeley, you know, where full grown men punch, mace, and throw rocks at women. Yeah, you guys are a bunch of real badasses.

Whiney, women beating little bitch badasses. Funny you guys call everyone else women haters, while you tough guys condone beating them.

When you're done whinning about liberals, we have a real nice thread going about Micheal Flynn and the impending down fall of the Trump regime :-(


Well-Known Member
Yes, mental midgets such as yourself. Maybe I can join your protestor buddies in Berkeley, you know, where full grown men punch, mace, and throw rocks at women. Yeah, you guys are a bunch of real badasses.

Whiney, women beating little bitch badasses. Funny you guys call everyone else women haters, while you tough guys condone beating them.
Why don't we both send our DD214s to @rollitup then tough guy.


Well-Known Member
Yes, mental midgets such as yourself. Maybe I can join your protestor buddies in Berkeley, you know, where full grown men punch, mace, and throw rocks at women. Yeah, you guys are a bunch of real badasses.

Whiney, women beating little bitch badasses. Funny you guys call everyone else women haters, while you tough guys condone beating them.
Mom wanted nothing to do with you and her (many) 'boyfriends' treated you like garbage, eh?

You reveal more about your various mental traumas/inadequacies with each passing post, sigh...

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
as a former combat infantry soldier I wish we had drones back in Vietnam.... they would have saved many American lives.

As a compassionate human being, I wish the USA had not meddled in Vietnam, it would have saved a lot of human lives.


Well-Known Member
Yes, mental midgets such as yourself. Maybe I can join your protestor buddies in Berkeley, you know, where full grown men punch, mace, and throw rocks at women. Yeah, you guys are a bunch of real badasses.

Whiney, women beating little bitch badasses. Funny you guys call everyone else women haters, while you tough guys condone beating them.
macing nazi women for sieg heiling is still way better than taking your AR15 into a mosque and slaughtering half a dozen innocent peaceful muslim people, like trump supporters do.