Black Pot's and Hose Watering


Well-Known Member
Can black pots in full sun get too hot for seeds to pop out of the soil ? I germinated them but they haven't popped out of the soil and its been a week almost. usually they pop out in a hurry..if the sun beaming down on black pots cant harm them then could a hose watering the soil cause the seeds to say F*** it ? seeing if anyone has had this problem before cause I haven't since I started growing ....:hump: thanks for any input even if this seems like a newbie question !!


Well-Known Member
Man, depends on how deep you planted 'em, how hard you watered with the hose, how hot the top layer of soil got as it baked in the sun...Yeah, all those factors could play a part in why your seeds arent popping up. If you water real hard, you're gonna disturb the seed, maybe pushing it to the surface and then it would bake in the sun. Hot pots could fry them if there isn't enough of a buffer layer of soil between the seed and the outer rim of the pot...I mean, who knows really...Maybe you should start 'em in party cups, leave like a half inch of space at the top of the cups when you fill em with soil. After you plant your seeds, put a layer of plastic wrap over and rubberband it to the cup...If you do this though, make sure as SOON as you seed the seed popping outta the soil you take the plastic off, but don't let em dry out and shrivel up.


Active Member
Just keep the soil moist, they'll come up when they're ready. Don't worry about the hose water, its fine. Don't forget they're weeds, they know what to do.


Well-Known Member
im using those jiffy pop up waffers...disc things that grow...they always seem to work better cause i can water them from the bottom and they absorb to the top