Black mold? Help!

Ok so a few days ago I started getting black tips on my lower leaves.

I attributed this to using tap water in the first couple weeks of the plant, which seemed to stunt the growth. Thats why two of the leaves are crisped and broken up. This plant is like 3 weeks old now.

After switching to pure spring water the plant started growing quite well.

However, yesterday I noticed the black tip spread to another level of leaves.

Today, the stem looks black and the veins and interior has no support and looks terrible.

I recently repotted and no problems seemed to occur until now, 2 days later.

What do you think? Is it mold or a nute problem? I haven't been giving it nutes (last plant died from burn). The new soil is enriched but isn't too much.

Soil is like 15% fertilizer, 50% regular soil, 30% sand and 5% gravel for aeration.

If it makes a difference, it smells different. Before the plant smelled like a normal springtime plant. Now it smells kinda funny and the leaves look a little slimy, I saw shinyness in a couple places.

Also it doesn't wipe off or look dusty. I wiped it with some TP and nothing came off.

This doesn't look like the nute burn I had before. Any suggestions? This plant looks like a goner so I'd like to know how to avoid this.

I included a shot from 2 days ago from the replanting just for reference.



Well-Known Member
yea probably mold. use a fungus/rot killer, 1/2 strength, pour some on the soil, and foliar spray them too.
i do it every 20-30 days or so as a preventative.
Well I posted this before taking a weekend trip. It was well dead by the time I made it back to save it....

Fortunately I got bunches of new seeds so we're learning and we'll get a grow to happen soon.
Yeah it might have been that but I doubt it. I mean if it were a deficiency, then it should have improved after moving it to the pot with fertilizer. Shouldn't have continued ravaging the plant.