black gold?


Well-Known Member
bongsmilieanyone ever used black gold soild if so what was your feeding and watering schedual what worked 4 u bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
no one uses this foreal???? shhhiiiiittttt maybe i shouldnt have gotten it if no one can help me lol ahhhhhhhh


Well-Known Member
i just got this soil and today i was lookin and seen two tiny tiny white bugs??????? is my plant done for or is there a way to kill the bugs.... i dont know if its infested yet i dont see why it would be i got it two days ago...... :(


Well-Known Member
I tried using it long ago and it was worse soil than MG if you can believe that...
Need more info on the bugs to know anything about what they may be or what to use to kill them. Gnat larvae is my guess and the cheapest way to kill them is to put a layer of sand 1-2" on top of the soil, they can't get through it to repeat breeding and die off fast and will never come back as long as the sand is in place. Then you just water gently as to not mix the sand in, the water will run right through just fine and you can tell when it needs water again by weight rather than other means.


Well-Known Member
thanks yea i will try that i think thats what it is too....... well at least hope lol ..... and i dont see why it would be that bad dumb lady at hydro store said that was the best they had cause i had fox farms in my hand and she recommended black gold..... my sweet luck lol thanks again for the help oregonmeds


Well-Known Member
Well that was 10 years ago so not really fair to judge what may be on the shelves today.

Good luck, I agree it can't be that bad then if the hydro store near you suggested it, since I'm sure they know you'd be right back to complain or stop going there alltogether if it really sucked.


Well-Known Member
lol yea i def would be complaining ......... if i cant get rid of these bugs then i will be having a talk with them my next shopping trip for sure. cause if they were in there when i bought it that bs.... anyways thanks for the luck ill need it good luck to you also !