BKB's 2nd Grow

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Well-Known Member
Hey BKB and BC. Been busy lately and haven't been able to pop on to RIU. As a matter of fact, I'm still pretty tied up with life but I just wanted to pop on here quick to post this report. I ended up keeping MamaDude going in my tent until she finished. I'm not going to post any pics because I don't think she'd want to be seen that way. Real tall, lanky and very thin, airy buds. Anyway, she's been hanging for over 2 weeks now and I just took her down, chopped her up and sampled her and she may not be pretty but she packs a punch. She's a bit skanky smelling on top though, but underneath is real nice smell and taste. Can't place it yet. Pine/citrus/menthol ish. She's real tacky too! A real lady of the night. I was going to make hash and oil out of her but I might keep a bit for smoke and maybe I'll try edibles.

Also, she makes you ramble on and on so I'll tear myself away and get back at'er. Cheers boys!


Well-Known Member
Hey duch, never had any of the MD do that but I am sure it will make great hash! Thats what I would do with it unless you grind it all up and make joints out of it. Sorry you didnt have that much success with it but I am sure the Skunkijuana x Jack Hammer will be better for you when they are ready!

@4T, yes its easy to make, the hardest part is putting the bag over the bucket and taking it off IMO.

Fumble has some serious skills in the Edible department, shit she is a Jackie of all trades when it comes to MJ. Cant say Jack cause she is a lady!!! You rock fumble!

@wheels, do you want all my nutes??? I dont want to pack them up and move with them. Plus X Nutes are cheap and it wont cost to replace them when I am set up again.




Well-Known Member
I didnt have much trim cause I did a lot of Defoliating but I still got a decent amount of Keif off it. You have a lot of plants so you should get tons of Keif if you go with Dry Ice Keif. Everything is cool bro, have you happened to hear from KMK at all???




Well-Known Member
Other than a little elbow n shoulder grease it is very easy and potent too. Hey jig where did you get your press from. The one I got came with my bubblebags but sucks.
Yeah, definitely a little elbow grease necessary. I got my press off amazon. It's called the cali crusher. LINK It costed $25. It's big and does the job... but after using it I can definitely see why someone would want to spend more to get a really good one.

My bags are the thing that are shit around here. The 110 is ruined after use shaking... the fabric part started opening up and there are openings larger than the screen in the fabric part... making the bag worthless. The 180 bag held up better, maybe it will make it two runs before disintegrating.

EDIT: and BKB... I just used a bag and shook it over a picture I had. It kinda got all over the place, but only a little. Most all of it was on the glass.



Well-Known Member
Thanks BKB! *blush* Hey, check out the top sticky in the cooking with cannibis forum. BadKats Pharma caps. Bad Kitty Smiles is the shit when it comes to knowing what to do with your kief.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I didn't say it, but you got some serious skills fumble. Those treats look so lovely. I read about them before my nap and no joke I was dreaming about them. Mostly the smiley face candy thing. At one point I left it sitting out and it started melting and I felt as if I was going to cry. Haha... now you can say your treats are the stuff dreams are made of. (sorry was that really cheesy?)

When I saw your treats it reminded me of BadKats stuff. Your two's stuff is the most professional looking prepared stuff I've come across myself. Most stuff I see looks like I coulda made it, and that's not saying much.


Well-Known Member
Woo Hoo! Thanks Jig. Now I am really blushing. hhehehe. I hope you were able to eat the happy pop before it melted. I am glad I could accommodate your dream. Thank you for the compliments.


Well-Known Member
so when you gotta do the big move

boy dat is sum soft airy budage - whut is dat good for

fumble whut you do wit so much product you got a outlet movin em
can be bought on line

dat kief packer looks like the joint
did you heat it and turn sum more at its end


Well-Known Member
Yeah, those airy buds can still pack a punch. You just need to pack a lot (or what seems like a lot) . My buddy had super airy buds (not that airy), and I would grind up what seemed like it should be an eighter and it made a large bowl, haha. Good high though.

I reloaded one of my pucks and tried to heat it and re-press. I honestly can't tell if there's a difference. I'm not super impressed with this press. I cut up my hand tonight when I was trying to re-press. Alls well though.. I'm sure the hash will still smoke alright. :)


Well-Known Member
My Ex Neighbors just left my house and they are quite twisted from a Cougar bowl with my 120 bag kief. Just one bowl of that between the two of them got them lit. Cougar is amazing!!! I am bummed no F2s....




Well-Known Member
Right on BKB! Awesome pics... That keef looks delicious! And congrats on the beans... pregroso? Is that supposed to be Spanish? haha....


Well-Known Member
I didnt have much trim cause I did a lot of Defoliating but I still got a decent amount of Keif off it. You have a lot of plants so you should get tons of Keif if you go with Dry Ice Keif. Everything is cool bro, have you happened to hear from KMK at all???


ive been upping my plant numbers jus so i can try it lol ever since the BBQ haha

Also you in touch with kmk bro? been away from riu for a wile an i tried to hit him up on his cell to no avail(i think is the saying...)
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