birds ate most of plant...can it reveg?


Well-Known Member
leave the birds alone you peestains. buy some birdseed !or enclose your grow with clothwire,shadecloth which will impede any bird from munching your crop.
my chickens and conures have munched some leaves and supercropped/lollypopped a few girls along the way ,but ultimately it's your mine own damn fault for making a food source available.
animal cruelty is wrong leave the 14 y.o. solutions in the back of your mind to gather would you like it if ifed you alka selztzer untill your gut exploded?!
Yeah, but I don't want to buy 300 sq ft of shadecloth to cover the whole
thing. The birds are so small they fit in between the rabbit fencing.

I understand where you're coming from kinda, but thats the thing. The
food source isn't for them, its for me!!!

I worked really hard enclosing my garden so pests wouldn't
be able to get in, but the birds are a whole different problem.
Its really irritating

Well, I'm not a bird, so if you fed me alkaseltzer I suppose I would
just burp alot. :blsmoke:

People using alka seltzer on sea gulls is an urban legend... good one!

I don't think the birds are eating your plant as they lack the ability to chew the leaves..
I think they are stealing parts of your plant to make their nests :(
Well yeah. I suppose they are making nests. But its annoying as hell
when they're stealing leaves and whole stalks of corn just to do it.

I'm not going to let this keep happening. So I will go with the seltzer
solution. :hump:

Noble Gas

Well-Known Member
Maybe some non-lethal measures could be used in this situation. Why dont you try out one of those sonic pest repellent things?

Also my parents have a koi pond and I warned them of great blue herons and egerets preying upon their fish. They installed a high power sprinkler head with a motion sensor that would go off something would cross its path.

It's not the animals fault, they dont understand that you plan to get high off of what they consider easy pickings.

Also in light of security and discretion, I dont think you would want to be discharging firearms in a resiential area that could lead the police to your grow!


Active Member
you mentioned bunnies. Its very likely that rabbits are chewing off your beans and corn tops.


I had a similar problem, but I dug up all my plants and re-planted them in pots. I have not had any problems after that.....hopefully it stays that way. I don't think that it was birds, although I did'nt see any footprints either.

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
I had a similar problem, but I dug up all my plants and re-planted them in pots. I have not had any problems after that.....hopefully it stays that way. I don't think that it was birds, although I did'nt see any footprints either.
I question the birds too and purplekitty said it was definately Birds!


Well-Known Member
I question the birds too and purplekitty said it was definately Birds!

It is guys!!!

My garden is fenced it with rabbit fencing, with chicken wire
around the perimeter.

Rabbits can't get in at all. If they could, I'm positive I wouldn't
even have a garden. I had bunny problems in my last garden,

so I know what it looks like. Its definitely not the bunnies.


Active Member
I'm sick of these goddamn birds eating and destroying everything in
my garden. :evil:

I had a little lady outside that was growing very nicely.
I went to water about a week ago and noticed the birds ate

the first half of the plant, I guess they topped it for me. So i didn't
mind, but then about 2 days ago, I go back and the rest of the

plant is gone. the only thing that is left is a TINY nub sticking out the

Just wondering if it can reveg since the roots and a bit of the main
stem are still in-tact.

Anyone know how to kill a flock of birds that roll about 25 deep?:twisted:

Too bad rice won't work on those fuckers, or I'd definitely kill
them all with it and feed 'em to my husky.
i had slugs do the same to one of my babies and it did come back but its not worth anything its been growing for about 2 months and is only 8 inches tall.... ud prolly be better of starting over but for the bird a 10 gauge and a 3 an half inch black cloud will do the job belive me


Active Member
I love it some of these responses, one guy suggests shooting buckshot at a bird the size of a sparrow, another suggests a 10 guage with a 3 and a half inch shell.


Well-Known Member
haha this is great would suggest just buy like a 4/10 shotgun and scare the birds away when they come. the most humane way to kill an animal is with a gun any way or maybe .22 snake shot. blanks?


Well-Known Member
i think its legal to kill any animal killing livestock or eating your garden, mice and rats are know 2 ruin crops in one night keep in mind i set mouse traps with nails in them at all my sites i decided this when my first plant got attacked. a 2 foot seedling got chew around the bootom of the plant so only 3 branches were left. reged like a clone in no time now it has 3 main branches and this it kinda lame. good luck 2 this funny ass coversation.lmao