Biggest, Meanest, Fattest Cola.

Weed Guy

Master Roller
I hope there not YOURS:mrgreen:

I wish i could participate in this thread but until the 13 December im budless:(

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Fdd, were you affected by the fires? I can imagine your whole neighbourhood biltz off there faces on some quality herb.

This summer i was in the south of france and we had forest fires there and the road was blocked off both ends due to fire and we couldnt leave the resort. But we WERE near the sea...nothing like a midnight swim with the jellyfish :)

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
in the closet..

that is fooking awesome.. I down loaded that picture and will reference it future posts... great job.... tell us more about your GROW!

days in veg

etc ?
