biggest bust in fla


Well-Known Member
Thanks for a link and some pics... They always help when you make a post with one sentence.


Well-Known Member
anyone notice how the reporter is using fear mongering, "This stuff is really scary! it could be in any neighborhood, really scary stuff."
It's just weed people come on.


Well-Known Member
notice that those new reports are from 2007

still significant numbers... i wonder how many grow ops are in my county?


Well-Known Member
its dangerous because of the guns? great work reporting shitbag. only reason people that grow keep pump shottys and pistols is because theres gun totin dipshits out there that want to steal our crops. Its protection. Simple as that. I doubt any of those people in the houses have actually pulled a gun on someone. chances are they dont have a history of committing violent crimes...(going on speculation here fyi)...regardless of, i want that table of HPS's and MH's....and why the hell are they growing pot in the station? wtf.


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha...I bet it smells good as fuck in that sheriffs dept. right you guys see that plant he said was ready to harvest...lmao...that thing isnt even close :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member

"This ones ready for harvest, between a month and a month and a half old" (buds the size of marbels) HAHAHAHAHAhahahah


Well-Known Member
What an embarrassment he is to my town. Fucking idiot. Can't stand the guy. GO fox 13! lmao I recently was integrated for some stupid thefts my buddy was doing. Soo they say. all they wanted to know for 8 hours, is if i knew of any grow houses. MAn O MAn if they even knew!!!
Mr.X GodBless


Well-Known Member
concidering this was in the south 1 gun for every 6 houses isnt bad at all. im sure you could raid 60 houses in different parts of the south and find 60 guns. i know people with more guns in their house than they had on that table.
hehe, so they could have shown cutlery on that table as well just for the good measure..


Well-Known Member
Thats insane ,, would that not be considered cultivation with that room set up as it is ....Fuck even a carbon scrubber , fans, How is it ok for them to grow it and not Citizens?