Big plant no buds?


Well-Known Member
OK, so last year was my first outdoor grow. It seems like the plants did great during the veg period but things went down hill during flowering. I did'nt have alot of plants maybe 10 scattered around and for example one was like 6.5 ft and a big bush but when I harvested I got like an ounce. It seems to me like I should have got more than that from the size of the plant. I used the advanced nutriets heavy harvest spring summer and fall. I watered at least every 2 weeks and we did'nt really have any long dry spells. The plants we're put directly in the ground in pre-dug holes. Anybody have any idea's of what I can due different to get more budding action this year?


Well-Known Member
it was an 8 week strain called Mataro Blue from Kannibia seeds. But it was'nt strain specific all my plants turned out weak. Did great during veg and went to shit during flowering.


Well-Known Member
wow thats crazy maybe some sort of fucked up genetics what nutes did you use how much derect sun light did they get and did all the plants yield that much


Well-Known Member
I used Advanced Nutrients Heavy Harvest Spring, Summer and Fall. I was Running 2 Kannibia Seeds Mataro Blue(morning Sun through mid-afternoon), 5 Barneys Farm Red Dragon(these plants had all day Sun.) and all seem to be pretty decent looking plants maybe alittle on the small side 4.5 ft to 6.5ft just did'nt bud heavly at all. Alot of light airy buds.


Well-Known Member
Do you have pics before you chopped? Could be they needed to go longer. Alot of times what comes on the package is not true. Good Luck dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
awww. once apon a time. i had a grow the same way grew great in veg. then the roots grew out of the predug hole and soil. and into natural soil. after alot of research i found that the black walnut tree not to far away was toxic to plants. alot of people find clearings in woods and think its a great place o grow but why is it cleared. not saying you have walnut. but thats not the only tree or plant that does this. id say take a soil sample and send it out to be checked out. local university do this alot of the time for you. go ask a farmer where he goes. theyll even tell what nut is missing the ph and what you should do to correct it.

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Mr.chips I had the same problem you did. I used promix in a 7 gallon grow bag with AN heavy harvest. Kept the soil moist and all, not only was my budding delayed but it took a longtime to get nowhere in the bud factory, big plants but airy buds. Weak shit man but I feel yea. I'm going all organic this year and trying to find a spot with more sun. I think part of my problem was when I did scouting in the spring the spot received decent light but maybe the shift over the seasons left the plant lacking when it came to budding. Either way sorry to hear about your loss, try using methods like topping or super cropping to help increase future yield. Good luck on this upcoming season