Big Bang first outdoor grow!


Active Member
yo anyone grown big bang outdoor before? any helpful tips and shit? its my first outdoor grow, i have done indoor before but i wanna try my fingers in outdoor!

i feel kinda vulnerable cos i cant control everything?!!

come on give me a few tips for outdoor growing!


Well-Known Member
I've got 5 Big Bang seeds. I'm going to grow one of them out along with 5 others (all different strains). I try not to do more than I can handle. First time growing this strain as well. So, what stage are you at right now? If you haven't gotten started, I'd germinate pretty soon. If I can find the chip for my digital camera maybe we can compare.


Well-Known Member
Have you seen this strain grown outdoors? You think it can yield a lb or more in the right conditions with a lot of soil and light?

pot scott

Well-Known Member
well i read that it yields up to 1000g a plant outdoors on worldwide marijuana seeds, so just put it in a big hole with good organic soil and i would low stress train to get more main tops.


Active Member
yo tropical man! yeah thts cool i need to find my wire to upload haha! i planted them about a month ago now maybe a little less. she is about a foot and a half ide by about a foot wide looking nice! im quite glad cos they're not over stretching at all which i was worried about cos its my first outdoors grow! i will try gt some pics up soon!