BF blue cheese an nutes


Well-Known Member
im looking for some info off growers that have grown cheese with good results,all is going very well at the moment'there 1 week in to flower now an are ready for there 1st load of bloom now i no cheese is a low to medium feeder an me m8 dont wanna be giveing them to much cause that will just cause problems he dont want at this stage of the grow,what im asking is how far would u go with the feed at the moment there on 0.50ml per ltr of DUTCH PRO A & B BLOOM it will go up in time do u think he needs more in there or just keep it going up 0.10ml a ltr like he plans on,cause as those buds grow there gonna need more an more,me my self with the strain being a fussy feeder i would go up till i was a half strengh then leave it there an if the leaves start to go a bit brighter then add alittle more an if they go dark green ease off a little