Best time of day to water?


Active Member
is there a certain time of day that's best to water? like right after your light turns on, or right before it turns off or something?


Active Member
is there a certain time of day that's best to water? like right after your light turns on, or right before it turns off or something?
Just like we need breakfast to get a good start, so do they.

In the morning, or whenever the morning is for your girls, right after you switch em on :) Just don't over do it. Light water seedlings everyday maybe even 2wice a day and drench the soil one or 2 times a week, providing you have good drainage and areation properties in the soil, for more advanced plants just add to that schedule and learn how to read them. Ie droopy non springy leaves means "give me water I'm dehydrated".


New Member
I think you should water and mist "when you switch the lights off" this way it cools the plants and allows time for the water to be absorbed through the stomata of the leaves without the risk of them getting burned, and then when the morning arrives the water has been well absorbed through the root system during the night, allowing optimum conditions to begin a hot days work ... this way there is less moisture, humidity and condensation which can all cause fungus or moulds to form...


Active Member
this way there is less moisture, humidity and condensation which can all cause fungus or moulds to form...[/quote]

Thats exactly why I would do it in the morning.



New Member
the evaporation of the water by the lights may cause the moisture and warmth to allow the development of the unwanted moulds and fungi, also there will be no possibility of light burn,
or uneven temperature distribution on the leaf or the other parts of the plant when the watering is done at night.

In Reality it doesn't rain much during the summer and when it does it usually occurs at night when its cooler.