Best place to pick up a Honey Bee Extractor?

Big Raw J

Active Member
Was gonna make one, but too many mixed reviews about what's safe to use. I could easily make one, but would rather have something made for the exposure to butane..

Anyway, I was just wondering where did you guys get them from. I've only found a few places..Thanks


man i make them at least once a month out of a regular pop bottle-not a 2liter. but if wnat to spend 40 bucks just go to your local pipe shop/headshop bong store whatever the slang is for it where you live. easy no need for a thread prolly why no responses


butane is by far way more:easy, convenient, shorter in time, safer. BUT iso done properly produces a way better oil in the simple fact it gets you more fucked. End of discussion. Almost end of discussion because you can also accomplish a way larger amount in one time. But for the regular joe with not much shake-no more than an ounce then go ahead and use butane. I never turn my nose up to it. Just for the fact of where i live i cant use iso so i use butane and dont complain. Both methods when done properly do the job exactly how you want it to.


Well-Known Member
well other than some head shops i really dont think there are alot of other options. but who knows maybe someone will come up with something.


he didnt ask which one you thought was better he just asked where the best place to pick one up would bee. I say search ebay bee extractor?_dmd=1&_sop=12&rvr_id=&MT_ID=69&crlp=2336348885_1&tt_encode=raw&geo_id=1&keyword=honey+bee+extractor&adgroup_id=1198703165

HEY RETARD SVCHOP889---in my post just a couple back it says where you get them. Converstation lead to me stating my opinion on which is better. they need to screen for kids under 18 like yourself because they are wrecking rollitup. too many little kids reading a thread or to and becoming experts...

Big Raw J

Active Member
How's it work?[/QUOTE

BHO - Butane Honey Oil

You put your trim, shake or whatever you want to extract into the tube and inject butane into it from one end. The butane melts down the trichomes and all the goodies into a liquid that drains out of the other end of the tube through a filter into a glass dish of some sort. Then you let the liquid evap off and you have a sticky oil left behind. You can heat it up and put it into lil vials or whatever.. Very potent.

Big Raw J

Active Member
Thanks, sounds interesting, yet kinda dangerous and possibly not healthy. +Rep for explaining.
Yeah, you just have to use good butane. If it's pure it wont leave any traces behind, as it evaporates when exposed to oxygen.. Gotta use it in a well ventilated area like a garage or somewhere by no flames or sparks..No smoking either, lol...

Thanks for the rep man.

Big Raw J

Active Member
+Rep for the excellent info, now I can build my own from ebay bought parts and probably spend 40 bucks rather than 400 from those guys.
Yeah I've done the iso alcohol extraction in the jar before, I want to try the butane tho instead.
Read up on iso hash and you might like that...All you need is a mason jar and some other simple materials.
With BHO, you can make your own, but people have said that butane will leach material from the pvc tube or the other materials into your product. Thats why I'm just going to play it safe and get the Honey Bee because it's especially made for the butane.

Sorry if you knew this info already Reel, I figured since you asked about the Honey Bee, you might not have heard about Iso Hash and the rest of it..