best nutrient ever SUPER thrive


Well-Known Member
I only use Superthrive when I am transplanting....
You should only use it when your plant is gonna get stressed...
Definitely would not use it in place of other sources of nutrients as it's more of a vitamin boost than a nutrient boost...
I love the stuff!!


Well-Known Member
I have started adding superthrive at a rate of about 1/8 tsp per gallon (it says 1/4 for active development) and the plants all have f'd up new growth. The plants in flower haven't gotten it (they are getting supplements that said not to be used with superthrive) and they don't have the same problem - could I just be using too much? You can see pics at the end of my signature thread. And some others here. Thanks and glad it works for you guys - I guess I'll back off to 1 drop per gallon after I give them a break.



Active Member
superthrive is the shit ,u still need to feed them nuts superthrive is a b vitamin helps great with stress i would pick it up if u dont use it already


Well-Known Member
Superthrive is great but you dont need alot. From what I learned on overgrow forum years ago was that It is best used first week or 2 of veg and maybe 1 month after starting seeds. But never use it during flower as it might screw up the flowering cycle by continuing to veg while in flower making for some loose ass bud. Also don't use a lot a small does goes along way just follow the directions on the bottle. If your plant gets attacked or you are transplanting it is the best remedy for bringing it back to life.