best homemade 3pc bowl ever!

Well-Known Member
i made the best 3pc bowl ever today, and i had about a half bowl of leaves and got riped. its made from a 3/8th craftsmen nut thing, (you know has a big end shaped like this [ ] and the other has like 8 sides ( this parts smaller than the square)) and then i took 2 medication bottles (like the orange ones) and one smaller, thinner type, still orange. and i left the cap on the little one and tryed to slide it into the big one, it didnt work so i melted the cap and pressed it on a hard flat surface (rounding it smaller) untill it fit and then slide them together, took it apart took a big alen wrenchand heated it up and put a hole in the end of the little bottle then the other end. after that was done i took the bigger bottle and put the lighter up to the bottomand when it melts (before the hole melts) and its realy loose i blew into the bottle and a hole poped, thats the choke now melt a hole in the top (where you put the bowl) and when theres a hole i quikley added the bowl and let it cool down and its awsome, when ur done with it you take the small bottle out and the bowl off and stick the bowl inside the big fart and put the small part back on as a screen i melt twist ties unlill its only metal and make a screen and stick it in a nut thinggy

Well-Known Member
:P i was high when i wrote this and im high right now, found out leaves make great hash so when i find my picture thingy ill upload if i can find out how lol