Best Game While Stoned!


Well-Known Member
if any one has a ps3 u should add me my online name is acid420420 i kick ass at cod4


Well-Known Member
there's this card game I play with a friend of mine. it's one sided, and you take so many sips of beer for different cards. dealer doesn't drink. play 3 hands of that and you're completely smashed! you may only drink a few beers, but you're doing it within a few minutes. might as well chug them.

maybe drunk driver can be adapted for smoking. have to cut down the hits per card a lot, but I'm sure you could be blazed off one deck of cards.


Well-Known Member
I found that Civilization Revolution was a great game when blazed. I was playing on the easiest difficulty and every turn I was getting 4 or 5 catapults. We found that to be hilarious. Then I got the nuke and blew up a Barbarian Village....It was just great time. I highly recommend it


Active Member
Man, I can't believe I forgot to mention D & D. Do people still play that?
yo there is a shit load of people that still play D&D, my brother still plays it and he is almost 30. he was telling me that they do it at the library down the road from my house every week.


Active Member
beautiful katamari.. best game ever while your high. get baked as shit and play it youll laugh your ass off


Well-Known Member
I found that Civilization Revolution was a great game when blazed. I was playing on the easiest difficulty and every turn I was getting 4 or 5 catapults. We found that to be hilarious. Then I got the nuke and blew up a Barbarian Village....It was just great time. I highly recommend it

I found worms world party to be pretty hilarious. find different ways to blow up or burn or smash a bunch of worms. and the small sound of their voices when they jump or fall.. lol


Well-Known Member
american mcgee's alice is the shit!! I beat it in 3 days on one of the lower settings. good times. what really sucks is the hacked copy I have crashes on me now. I haven't been able to get it to work in a few years..


Well-Known Member
alice is great i was just talking about it the other day. i just loaded it up and i think i gonna go play it now!