best detoxifier available ??


Well-Known Member
what is the best detoxifier available at gnc or walmart or just locally ??

please help , this will affect my current career , and i got kids to feed


Well-Known Member
WTF ??? I finally come to RIU with some real serious shit , some shit that could break or make me and i cant even get 1 reply .


Well-Known Member
u guys (and gals 2) let me down,
as much as i brag about you guys and you cant help a brotha pass a urine test.

i hope you guys really dont find yourself in my position , cause it's really not a good feeling


Active Member
u want help get sum clean piss put it in a condom strap it 2 ur leg or closer 2 ur nads 2 keep it warm n if nessicary wear longjohns but dnt 4get a pin of some sort to pop it open n push da piss into a cutt u digss me but if u wanna detoxifier jus go to vitamin world n ask da guy behind da counter but da condom piss works for me everytime


Well-Known Member
Those detox drinks are all BS, drink water, lots of it the day before and the day of your test. About 2-4 hours before your test take some b12 supplements to color your urine yellow and drink a creatine shake (or the test will show dilution). I've been a heavy smoker for 10+ years, never quit smoking, never failed a drug test for probation or work using this method.

Also, when you go to take the test, start urinating in the toilet then switch to the cup, then finish in the toilet.
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Well-Known Member
I know many people that have failed with the drinks! I would never trust it. All my friends use the wisanator(spell) The Original Whizzinator - HOME - Pass Your Drug Test!. It is not cheap but it does work. I Like I said I have never had to use it but I was in line with my friend that had a test right before meand we where at a party the night before and he smoked all night. I knew for 100% he was dirty(I was clean) . Any how he passed. You know what was funny tho was he got in a accident at work(whenever that happens we have to piss again no matter what) and needless to say he dint have his back up and he failed.


Well-Known Member
well thanx , i'll let you guyz know how it goes , but what about the niacin ?

(it was once suggested to me by the army for detoxing)

i'll let you guyz know how it goes, the guy hiring me told i could set the date a week off to help me.


Active Member
if you drink enough water ( at least, say, 96 oz ) with something like STRIP NC, The Extra Stuff, or anything by Labrion's line of detox kits you should be fine. I smoked this morning at 630am and passed a 245pm drug test with the STRIP NC stuff. it's nasty but works.