Best Console Game To Play High


Active Member
high would be halo, its just so energizing.
stoned like really fucked up would be MW2. i seem to slow down the game and control it.
As far as single player games, I love to get baked on some good med-grade like WW or GDP, and play Fallout 3. I'm on my 3rd run through the game, and still not getting bored. The games environment has an incredible ambiance to it, that you can really get into when your baked off your gourd. One of the best games ever imho.

Multiplayer, I have been a hardcore Battlefield player since BF 1942, and I am now addicted to Battlefield:BC2. I think I'm about to get stoned and play that right now.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
yo the best is playing a round of RISK on the playstation. weve spent hours playing and smoking to that shit


Well-Known Member
TWISTED METAL? +rep to you my friend.
I loved that game back in the day, where did time all go??
Haha, I know eh?
Now we have games where we can touch a screen... Pffft.

Classic and old school games are the Best.
Twisted Metal
Original Prince of Persia
Mario Teaches Typing

All amazing baked.



Well-Known Member
Haha, I know eh?
Now we have games where we can touch a screen... Pffft.

Classic and old school games are the Best.
Twisted Metal
Original Prince of Persia
Mario Teaches Typing

All amazing baked.

contra hell yeah up up down down left right left right ba ba start


Well-Known Member
skate2!...easy flowing game,no rush, skate w.e. u want!... i love cod and i murk fools! but when im couch locked i like to play skate2! "i dont have the fastest reaction when im baked" :D


Well-Known Member
Modern Warfare 2, Uncharted 2.

My mates and I bring out the PS1 games though, Crash Bandicoot and Micro Machines (v3/4) are great, but you've got to play Team Buddies (if you can find it). Action rammed, crazy graphics, colourful and full of expletives, Team Buddies was surely custom made for this purpose ;-)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
just cause 2!

you get a parachute and a grappling hook and you jjsut fly around the cities and islands with guns and such. very fun, me and a friend got hooked into it for about 3 hours the other day purely after i fired it up to quickly show him 1 thing :P buggy, but fun!