Best Bud/Plant Shot Contest


Active Member
beautifulll!!! +rep funkdrspok
1st time in coco?! definatly not your first grow huh!!!!!
No no no definately not my 1st grow, been growing for 7yrs but mainly hydro, someone recommended coco for the summer months and i haven't turned back since, mj just seems to love the stuff.


Active Member
Very nice buds
You might want to put the "rollitup" sign in the back round so your beauties are considered.
Yeah i did read that, this was last summer though this grow, just showing them off really, lol.

I got no plants in full bud atm to warrant winning this contest, next time Gadget, next time.

past times

Well-Known Member
hey guys, i have been holding out, letting a couple of my girls get almost ripe to pick. This first one is an Aurora Indica in day 51 flowering. I have kepted my house freezing for both this one and the next one i am going to show in order to get the purple to really come out in them. This one has definitely been fun, despite my GF yelling about how cold she is all the time. haha.


past times

Well-Known Member
And this is my own strain. It is a cross of Blueberry and G13 Haze...i call it Blackberry. Anyway, it was grown in a pc using scrog technique. I wasn't sure if the plant would be hermi b/c the cross occured when a g13 went hermi and pollinated my BB last grow. It is also at day 51 and is going to be coming down very very soon. I cant wait to tase it...and start some for my main room



Well-Known Member
its cali. orange bud...... Im nearly done smoking the entire harvest though heheh.. but its cool!! got their mother plant ready to cut down in a few days....(changing variety) check out my photo albums... there is an explanation for every variety ive grown :)
take it eassssy n keep it green in love and Light!!


Well-Known Member
UK Cheese @ 10 weeks 12/12, my 1st time with coco.

what's up doc? hey i'm using coco also from canna with the a-b nutes. having much better success than i did with soil, but nothing compared to what you have there. what coco/nutes are you using?
btw looked like good stuff, awesome buds man.



Well-Known Member
hey today is the last day for the contesssst!!!!!! WHO I SAY WHOOOOO IS GONNA WIIIN?? heheheheh cant wait to seee


Active Member
thumbnails ftw. Although I must admit, beautifully captured photos <SureShot>. And those pics of the Bliss a few pages back are amazing, woow truly monster heads on those. I heard my GF swearing about how good they looked from the other room and had to check 'em out. Kudos.