Best book for small home grows?


Well-Known Member
I was looking to get a book on growing that had more info useful to somebody doing a wardrobe or closet grow.

Specifically, I would like to know about LST, hydro setups, soil and nutrients, proper containers, lighting, exhaust etc. for "micro" grows.

Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
thanks Floridasucks,

do you own this book, and does it have information on the above topics?

Also, is this a "regular" book that I could find at a bookstore?


Well-Known Member
Why buy a book when you've got this website? Besides most of the books you would need, are already available online for free on torrents.


Well-Known Member
floridasucks could have gone on to add that it has a helpful section on "mini grows" such as small sheds, micro-greenhouses & hoops, but I wouldn't say it has what you're looking for. I can't think of any piece of literature that addresses micro-grows directly. You're better scanning the Internet, really. There are some impressive micro-grows on here, and some people are pretty eager to help.


Well-Known Member
yes i do own that book and gamberro your right this probly isnt the best book for a micro grow. but it does have alot of very useful information. also like someone else said this website probly does have more info you just have to search for it. check out my sig its a small grow in a cardboard box not exactly micro but it may help.


Well-Known Member
wow, that's perfect. I'll get the book to have as a general reference. Hopefully after doing some reading my questions won't be so stupid.

For the actual grow, I'll try to study and replicate the the grow setups that are most suitable for my space. thanks for the link and the tips.


Well-Known Member
IMO a DWC (Deep Water Culture) AKA "BubblePonics" setup is stupid simple to setup and maintain and can easily fit in a small space. Foot tall plants with 1/2 oz of bud is possible in 8"X8" space. Or you can go big also, very flexible system, very cheap and easy to make yourself with the only tool you really need is a good sharp knife.

Probably your biggest purchase is going to be the light, do not skimp on that part as it is the biggest contributor to yields. CFL and Fluoros do work, but HID lighting ( HPS and MH) are the kings of yield.


Well-Known Member
IMO a DWC (Deep Water Culture) AKA "BubblePonics" setup is stupid simple to setup and maintain and can easily fit in a small space. Foot tall plants with 1/2 oz of bud is possible in 8"X8" space. Or you can go big also, very flexible system, very cheap and easy to make yourself with the only tool you really need is a good sharp knife.

Probably your biggest purchase is going to be the light, do not skimp on that part as it is the biggest contributor to yields. CFL and Fluoros do work, but HID lighting ( HPS and MH) are the kings of yield.

However if this idea interests you, here's a product link that you will find, if nothing else, informative.


Well-Known Member
OK, forgive my ignorance. The link above is a 6 plant Hydro system with an included 400 watt Hps. So with a system like this, could i use cfls for side lighting in a 2X2X5 ft cabinet? If so, it seems i'd only have to cut some ventilation holes and install a couple fans, no?

Basically, I'm trying to decide between this and the 4oz diy box earlier in thsi thread. Doesn't need to be super stealthy cuz i live alone, and i have a room that nobody (not even the landlord/super) has gone into in the 7 years i have lived here.

i guess i should mention that i'm not a DIY kind of cat, if it will save lots of money and/or increase yield then i'm all for it, but i don't get any added satisfaction out of saying "i built that" and i'm not that handy anyway.

i also should mention I basically only want as much green as i can smoke (about 1/2 oz a month) so 2-3oz aevery 4 months is more than sufficient.

btw, has anyone dealt with StealthHydro? Good folks?

wow, mushies are so much easier. Just follow the let's grow mushrooms video on youtube and 6-8 weeks later you've got shrooms.


Well-Known Member
it might get to hot with cfls and a 400w hps in such a small space but a couple 12v computer fans will probably do the job. with that space and lighting im sure you could yield even more than what you need. ya ive heard shrooms are real easy to grow, and they cost about the same price as bud, 15/gram dried. so that gets me thinkin why not just grow like a pound of shrooms and sell it or trade it for bud.


Well-Known Member
FLsucks, That would be a great idea. Too bad I don't know anybody who eats mushies besides me. Not really a market for it around my way, but i don't get out much, so what do i know.

i just came into some dough, first i'm gonna ask dave1i for some specifics on his 4oz min setup (i think I'd prefer soil with yield not being a real concern)--however, i understand if folks ain't tryin to hold some dudes hand through the process. If i'm not able to get specifics from dave1i, i'll just get the system from stealth hydro and ditch the side cfls if it gets too hot (400watt should be plenty in that small wardrobe).

Before i go with StealthHydro, i'd really like to know if anybody here has gone with them in the past. if not, that would be cool too, i could be a guinea pig and actually add some info to the forum instead of lurking and asking dumb questions.


Well-Known Member
Buy a Quizno's and let your money make money legally ...
May I ask what the hell you're doing on a marijuana-growing forum saying that? I mean really.
Besides, the dude's just trying to grow his own smoke. Can be a necessity in some shwaggity parts of the States.
Before i go with StealthHydro, i'd really like to know if anybody here has gone with them in the past. if not, that would be cool too, i could be a guinea pig and actually add some info to the forum instead of lurking and asking dumb questions.
I've dealt with Stealth Hydro- one 1000W MH/HPS and one 12-planter Bubbleponics system, in one order. They're not fly-by-night, they've been around for a minute.


Well-Known Member
forgot to say thanks. Thank you Gamberro et al.

i think i'll just go with the 360 buck system from StealthHydro. It comes with a 400 watt light that would probably cost a couple hundred anyway. and yes, profit is not the motive. around my way, there just isn't a market for good herb, folks would rather smoke the cheap shit cuz its, well, cheap. if i grow more than i can smoke (which i doubt given my lack of green thumb, i had an aloe plant die on me), i'll try to up my goodwill points by giving it away to needy folks.

With a system like that (6 plants, 400 watt hps) would i even need to put the apparatus in a cabinet during the veg stage? i work alot and i'd like to veg while i work on the cabinet (mylar, carbon filter, exhaust etc.) i'm not handy so it may take a while.