Best Bedtime Smoke


Active Member
I'd like to hear everyone's opinions on what is the best strain out there for a sleep aid/bedtime smoke. Please tell me strain and why you like it.

Thanx in Advance!!


Well-Known Member
Northern lights is the best for sleep that I've experienced but still with a good high. It's a really euphoric full body buzz that leaves you still able to think and be social and then about two hours later you crash sleepy and your good to go. I don't find that the following day burnt feeling is anxiety provoking at all. It's strong but has a clean feeling to it. It was grown in hydro.


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Staff member
I had a coupe sensi seeds white widow mature before the others & after they cured the taste & smell are unmistakeable once you've tried it. I noted that I had a lot of amber trich's also. A very "Couch lock" high - functionable for maybe an hour or so after the second bowl with the vape & I'm out of commission. Great sleep aid, two big thumbs up !!


Active Member
Hey chef, from what i have heard/read- that Aurora Indica you have will knock your ass out- pretty much 1 hit shit!

Check this thread out:

Here are some quotes from people who have grown it:
"Aurora Indica is also extremely potent. I've had friends who refuse to smoke it because they say it's too potent."

"Just before bed, I've gotten into a habit of smoking about 4 hits of Aurora Indica. The stuff knocks me on my can and sleep is almost instantaneous and solid. I wake feeling great."

"Aurora is awesome weed man. I took it down at about half and half clear to amber trichs, and it's the strongest weed I've ever grown. I've smoked one other weed that was stronger, but that was waaaaaay back.
Like I said, you're gonna love it."

"Aurora Indica
The stuff is fantastic.
4 hits, you sleep.
You won't have a choice if you're laying down."

"I've grown several crops of Aurora. I have several friends who refuse to even smoke it now. They tell me "Stoney, that stuff is so strong I don't even enjoy it". hehe

It is one of the strongest strains I've ever smoked. My next crop will be entirely converted to oil. I can't even imagine how strong the oil will be.
If you grow it, I've found it to be at it's most potent when harvested with 50-50 amber/cloudy trikes.
The stuff will slay you."

"I agree about the aurora indica. It is still the most potent strain I have. I have some killer strains with great flavors but the aurora is still my most chill strain. The smell of aurora is excellent and everybody that smells it says how good it smells. It reminds me of the 70's and my first memories of weed. Now after all this talk of it I will have to roll a fat one of it."

"Aurora will take your manhood, and make you cry like a biaoch."

SOOO what I'm trying to say is- get that AI going ;)


Active Member
Awesome!!!! That's what I was looking for. Stealth Hydro Deluxe on its way. I picked up some Mr. Nice bud today. I've never had it. Heard it was good sleep meds. I've heard AI was the bomb, but, I've never met anyone that's had it. Thanx Again..................Anyone else?