Besides this little unknown, she's looking beautiful. l00k!


Active Member
Could someone explain to me why this has happened. My first grow, the cola stalk, I guess is what it's called. The main stalk, the middle one, shot up really high, this one here looks a little stunted. Could someone explain this to me please. And also, Indica or Sativa? It looks more of a sativa to me. Thanks alot.



Well-Known Member
i dont see anything ab-normal. the main cola (what your calling main stalk) is always the tallest UNLESS you do some training like lst or if you were to top it.


Well-Known Member
I don't think any of us are seeing what your concerned about. Perhaps you should describe more what the source of your concern is?


Well-Known Member
My only guess is that it got damaged somehow, like maybe getting bumped by your elbow, or something similar? Or, maybe it was just a freak of nature, hard to


Well-Known Member
Ive had clones crop themselves, it does happen. Your plant however looks fine. She is in veg stage? Telling between Indica and Sativa can be hard since a lot of strains are mixed now.


Active Member
I'm going to start vegging this weekend actually. She/it is outside enjoying au natural sunshine. I was just wondering why the main cola is stunted like it is. My first one I had the main cola was the longest stalk. Just odd to me cause I am a noob.


Well-Known Member
Not all plants are created equal lol. Its natural when you first begin to compare your plants to each other or to past plants, but even seeds of the same strain can turnout completely different. Its just plant genetics


Active Member
It looks female...if you look closely you will see the budding spots indicated by the lightness of color around the central main cola and growth shoots...