Bernie Sanders Spearheads a Call to Defeat Our System that Deliberately Creates Massive Poverty


Well-Known Member
Lets see how far your candidate and your ideology goes in the next election. ;)
The problem you have is that you grossly exaggerate the number of cunts in this country. To be sure, there are many of you, but this is still a good country. You are losing and you don't know it yet.

It's funny.


Well-Known Member
Why isn't Bernie out there on the front lines for his fellow progressives running for office?
it's called BLACKOUT..they won't even UTTER his name. By now, they'd all be talking about 2020 hopefuls and they WON'T..surely though AFTER the MIDTERMS, they will be talking about 2020?..won't they?..WON'T THEY?:lol:

2020 Prediction: Sanders by a landslide..guess what? NOT talking about him is what will produce this. the longer he stays out of presidentwhoshallnotbenamed sights, the better off he AND we are..

Shhhhhhhhh Loose lips; sink ship:wink:

FLASH edit: he will try to change something that doesn't allow for a 2020 vote ala Duerte, Erdowin (he's already looking into this; stephen miller is involved they are round-tabling how to make happen). 'I'm already here' 'Waste of resources' for every 4 years..'more legitimate; had more votes in 2016 but was robbed by HRC..let's let only the TRUE americans of this nation vote.' -Schuylaar's Veil

Schuylaar's Veil - What WILL happen if NO changes are made..if changes are made it changes time and space continuum..(kinda like Butterfly Effect).

Sanders WAS going to win by a landslide but HRC/DNC made changes to the trajectory.

What will be found out about presidentwhoshallnotbenamed will make us all want to move to Canada..there isn't even a word for it.
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Well-Known Member
The notion that one has to BE poor to care about them is ridiculous.

Mr Sanders is far, far less wealthy than the average US Senator, so what's your (arbitrary) cutoff of acceptable wealth? Why shouldn't someone at retirement age have a healthy nest egg? It doesn't show greed, it shows responsibility and any aspersions to the contrary reflect the bias of the finger pointer rather than the facts.

Why don't you hold the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Diane Feinstein to a similar standard, considering both are also career politicians and both are far more wealthy?
and a beach house that was gifted by his WIFES side of the family..can you say emolument clause?:lol:


Well-Known Member
i just have trouble taking Bernie seriously. He's a career politician. maybe he has had an epiphany, maybe he has seen the light. when he starts making SIZABLE donations to charities, when he sells off one of his homes and gives the proceeds to homeless shelters, then i'll take his rhetoric about poverty more seriously



Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
Damn do you ever stop with the lies. Hell now you doing it with pictures. Bernie NEVER march with king. He did attend the I Have A Dream speech...along with 250,000, but no marching with King in Selma. Stop lying or you will be called out and dragged each time.
are you trying to say we 'all look alike' and you can't tell one white man from the next? shame, shame, shame!

after i've been 'called out, dragged out'..will you lynch me?


Well-Known Member
are you trying to say we 'all look alike' and you can't tell one white man from the next? shame, shame, shame!

after i've been 'called out, dragged out'..will you lynch me?
Damn you are stupid. Please realize you are a perfect Trump voter whether you support Trump or St. Barnie.


Well-Known Member
The members here are reading: Bernie Sanders Deliberately Creates Massive Poverty.:lol:
Open mic night for Bernie Sanders
"A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused.

"A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.