Bell Peppers Won't Start....


Active Member
ok so im haveing problems starting my peppers from seed useing a basic window sill propergater and potting mix but no luck they die as they hit the light? any idears?


Active Member
how high are you keeping the humidity? My mom always sprouts her peppers under a dome or in a small green house just until they are an inch or so tall.

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
If you want to you could buy a product called AeroGarden. Mine came with herbs but you can order pepper kits and such from them or buy a do it your self kit and grow your own. It seams like their system would be perfect for starting seeds in. If not if you can get your hands on one of those 9 cell things and even a bottom and dome that will fit just 1 of those in you could use that if not try using a small cloning tray thing, heat pad and properly PHed water. Also some seeds want/need a very very weak solution of feed.


Active Member
hmmm hymidity is reasonble as my popergater has a dome might try weaker soil as it just straght potting mix see how i go.... waterf melons are a must but to early for my out door garden yet and they overwelmed my glass house last time... but dame tasty they were


Well-Known Member
I'm having a bear of a time myself with calif. bell peppers but I finally got some plants. Gotta harden them off very carefully. Under a tree worked for me

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
pepper seeds might take like 2 weeks to germ..jus make sure it stays moist and warm
That or if you want a bit of an easier way is get them into a DC system that way its more protection that they don't get over watered or under watered since the DWC medium doesn't soak the seed but doesn't restrict alot of water from the seed being able to get it.


honestly its probably going to be easier to just go and buy a baby pepper plant for 2 dollars. but anyways... pepper seeds are pretty hard to germinate.. those things can be a bitch!! but one thing that you must have is heat. they need to be pretty warm to germinate. usually what i do is drop a few seeds in a tiny sauce dish and put WARM water in it and stick it somewhere where it will stay warm.. on top of a computer or a DVR works great. but you HAVE to check it at least 2 times a day cuz the water will evaporate and if the seed has started its process and it dries out the seed wont be viable anymore. also it should be somewhat dark so just pace a peice of paper over it or something. when it finally sprouts DO NOT place it in direct sunlight. place it in the shade for a few days till it starts to get some meat on it. i recommend starting them inside under a fluorescent light for a month or 2 right before spring then once it warms up stick those puppies outside!! also i have learned from growing MANY pepper plants from seed that it is always a good idea to start the seedling off in a decent sized pot. a 1 gallon will do. ive noticed that when you sprout pepper plants in a very small cup it STUNTS the plant. honestly i would even just start it off in a 5 gallon!!! hope this helps!!
Let pepper seeds soak in water for about 24 hours before sowing in soil/germination media. A heating pad is greatly advised, as peppers prefer a higher soil temp than most vegetables (75-85F). Don't be disappointed if you don't see anything for a couple weeks; many folks who start (and/or complete) their peppers indoors don't see sprouts for a month!