Beginners Guide to Dabbing


Well-Known Member
I was wondering when hanging at the speak easy, what does the fire marshall think of a dozen stoners with propane torches getting high?
ive seen someone pull my nail off.. very first time he used it when I first got it, he figured he had to clutch it.. wtf?!?!?

he lifted the red hot nail, got it two inches away, seen me panicking and freaking out, and actually didnt drop it, he set it back into the bong!!!!! was very scared to break something, there was no way he was dropping it... damn I felt bad.


Well-Known Member
I had a neighbor, that tried to push some bubble hash down the bowl, that had a glass daisy screen. He thought the hash would gather in the center so he could finish the bowl. Instead of finishing the bowl, he burnt a pretty daisy into his thumb. It was hilarious. I had warned him that fire was hot. I didn't warn him that things that are touched by fire are hot too, but I have an excuse, I was a little high and thought the fire warning would cover the safety briefing.