Begging for assistance. PC Box Grow Questions.


My head hurts so bad from all this reading that i've been doing, and it still seems that im uncertain what to buy.

I'm going to be growing in a full tower computer case. The dimensions are 7.5"(w) x 16.5" (d) x 24.5" (h).

To get a video reference of what I'm tying to duplicate, look here.

I have most of the materials that i need , I think, using another post that I found on these forums. However I'm so stuck. Here are my questions.

1) I want to use either foxfarm or blackgold soil to put my seeds in, but what nutrients to i feed them exactly? Are there any easy solutions that just mix everything a plant needs and makes it super easy or something? The whole nutrient thing completly baffles me. ( I was always bad in science class).

2) Are 4 26w 2700k CFL bulbs effecient enough for bud to grow from day 1 to day 75? Would I need any other bulbs? Someone told me something about different light bulbs doing different lights but i was just completly confused.

3) I have so many computer case fans laying around, but I dont know how to power them without turning on a computer... I want to use 3 fans. one to suck air at the front and 2 on the top to circulate the air out of the case.. How am i going to get all 3 of these fans to turn on without a motherboard to tell them to turn on?

I know these are basic questions that can be found, but i've looked and alot of the answers I just couldn't understand on my own. I've invested alot of time trying to learn how to grow, I've already started buying my supplies and I want to start my first grow the right way, without mistakes that I could have easily avoided.

If anyone is out there who is experienced with growing bud in a computer case, I am humbly requesting your assistance, My son is 2 weeks old and I cant afford to pay for weed anymore and its killing me. :(


Well-Known Member
It is funny, I have that exact PC Setup, I bought that one.

1. I do not use nutes because I'm afraid to use to much and then I won't be able to flush the nutes correctly.
2. Use 4 CFL's are enough, it is more of how big your area is that you should be concerned about how many CFL's. I'm using that case and I have 4 CFL's and 3 plants and they are doing fine.
3. For the fans, get a 12V DC Adapter. Strip the wires know what it will take me a long time to explain here is a tutorial on that

Also the most I recommend is running two fans on 12V DC Adapter, you do not want to over do it.