Been reading my bible. Security question....


Active Member
The grow bible says do not search internet sites from your place of growing, which I totally blow at the grow room all the time! I have been following everything else very closely.

I am only growing for personal use and I have taken extra precaution to make my grow room have ZERO reasons to grow suspicion. I do surf this site frequently.

Do police use this type of thing to bust people? If so, how the heck do you delete your profile? I looked around and couldn't find it.

Thanks in advance! Happy growing. This might be my good bye! ha ha:lol::leaf::bigjoint:


Active Member
Shhh. Their watching you.
Maybe "THEY'RE" watching me!!! ha ha kidding.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I just wonder what people's thoughts are on this. I'd hate to stop using this site, but I'd hate even more to get in trouble for something that's not harming anyone.


Active Member
I highly doubt they do. They would need an entire federal task force to check up on every single person on every "drug" forum. It would be near impossible, and with the shape our economy is in there is no way police agancies could justify the man hours and payroll. I hope that brings you some peace of mind, brother.


New Member
Maybe "THEY'RE" watching me!!! ha ha kidding.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but I just wonder what people's thoughts are on this. I'd hate to stop using this site, but I'd hate even more to get in trouble for something that's not harming anyone.
When I received the like I noticed my mistake. I was gonna fix it, but you already beat me damnit. My opinion is there are a lot of people on here and they can't watch them all.


Active Member
You would think a mod could at least tell you how to cut and run. I am not worried myself as I am, at least according to my state a legal medical patient allowed to grow up to 15 plants for my supply. As for deleting your account, if they are screening grow sites for users they would already have your I.P. address. If they are trolling for setups, don't meet people. If you are truly following the same grow bible I grew up with as far as everything but this and you are really only growing for personal use they don't want you and won't find you. If you are breaking other rules like showing that hot chick you met at the bar your room to get some nooky you should lock your door and harvest now cause they are coming to get ya.:bigjoint:bongsmilie:eyesmoke::twisted:


Active Member
If you are breaking other rules like showing that hot chick you met at the bar your room to get some nooky you should lock your door and harvest now cause they are coming to get ya.:bigjoint:bongsmilie:eyesmoke::twisted:
Ha Ha! I love it! No, that's not me. I have literally ONE friend who knows and he grows for his personal stash as well (and literally no more). I am a family man with a wife and small beautiful children. If you knew me I'd be the farthest from a suspect you would ever imagine. Public's eye job, community volunteer, etc, etc.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Thanks for the warm fuzzy ladies and gentlemen! :D

Keith Stone

Well-Known Member
no matter what your state says, the feds say you are breaking the law at the felony level.

no matter what your state says, the feds say you are breaking the law at the felony level.

be anonymous you can be.

on the forums.

if at all.

(i'm only post on this forum and subscribe to the "they can't keep up with all of it theory". they can get all the info on everyone if they "need" to, but will just pick the easy cases most of the time. don't be an easy case.)


Active Member
As far as the precautions I was reading it seems more for people who have some piece of property where they don't live and use solely to grow dope. Keep your house kept, keep the lawn mowed, be cordial to your neighbors, etc. Ha ha. Who doesn't do that on a piece of property they live in!?!?

Well, I have some neighbors that I guess I break the "nice" rule with!


Sector 5 Moderator
Fuck the cops. There is always something to worry about but being on here is not one of them, unless you do something stupid like give out your name and address. Don't offer to buy or sell anything on here either. I think everyone gets a little paranoid here but the truth is cops want to spend their time and money chasing someone moving tons of pot or kilos of meth or crack, not a website filled with closet growers.
I would like to provide this link for all who would like to maintain at least a base level of OPSEC.

Its what I use and last I checked my ip placed somewhere in Southern Switzerland. Nothing is perfect, yet any pothole in the trail I can make to slow anyone, just the better.


New Member
I am sure there is a hotshot cop randomly searching from time too time. But for the most part I doubt they look that hard unless they already have reasons to have you under suspension.


Well-Known Member
the reason they tell you not to search the internet where you grow is because more than likely IF you get raided...and they take your computers to see what you've been up to...they will see your search history/ if you happened to get rid of your crop before they came...and they find grow equipment...and your search history of looking up how it works...they will probably try and charge you with at least conspiracy to manufacture...


Active Member
Yeah, I'm definitely not the "fuck the police" type. I have a ton of respect for the men and women out there helping keep the peace every day. There's obviously the hard core guys who let the power corrupt them, but I would say in my city that's the minority. It really all boils down to a simple question.... Why the hell is pot illegal??? ridiculous....


Well-Known Member
Things I'd worry more about first...

1) $15,000,000,000,000 National Debt.
2) A permanent "jobless" economy recovery
3) Both the Democratic and Republican Parties
4) Illegal immigrants leaving the USA. Who'll pick our strawberries, mow our lawns, and wave to us at Home Depot?
5) Kim Kardashian marrying for a 3rd time

Relax, I'll get on your jury and vote not guilty.


Active Member
Things I'd worry more about first...

1) $15,000,000,000,000 National Debt.
2) A permanent "jobless" economy recovery
3) Both the Democratic and Republican Parties
4) Illegal immigrants leaving the USA. Who'll pick our strawberries, mow our lawns, and wave to us at Home Depot?
5) Kim Kardashian marrying for a 3rd time

Relax, I'll get on your jury and vote not guilty.
I'd say that's a pretty damn good list! Except 4. That doesn't worry me a bit! ha ha