Becoming an Elite Member...


Active Member
I've been here for about 3 months or so and I'm wondering how to become an Elite Member. I think that there's a lot of benefit to being able to be here to learn and teach, but somethings should just be more optional and private. The only way to do that here is to become an Elite. $5.00 a month isn't a lot for a little more flexibility and peace of mind of privacy. Especially considering how much I'm on here, lol. I tried to click on the link, and it wouldn't work. I tried to copy and paste the web addy and I got to the spot but there was no way to pay. How do I go about this and who do I need to contact? Any help is appreciated


Well-Known Member
When you're on your 'my rollitup' page in the left column near the bottom you'll see 'paid subscription'.

the last I heard it wasn't working. But check it out...