BC Growers, what are you plans for this year?


Well-Known Member
2 new strains for outdoor afpak blueberry and nepalese grizzly, from vancouverseedbank. no new ideas for indoor... yet...


I'm going all natural ( I'll still use fertilizer and pesticides ) and just growing out under the sun in south central BC like a big patch with four strains (Amsterdam haze, 2 pounder, Himalayan gold, and Arjan's Ultra Haze #1). I'll plant some tomato and cleome around it but what do you recommend about choppers. The patch is on some rural land I own with a lot of crown land surrounding it. What do you recommend I do about choppers. Will they even be looking?


Well-Known Member
fuckin choppers eh, i did my first outdoor this year and never relized how many helicopters and small planes fly around here. small patches and no patterns. only way ive really read to keep helicopters away. .. if your not legal i would recomend 5 or less plants in one immediate area, the C-10 bill that ust got passed last week nails ya if your over 5 plants, with manditory jailtime. hash and cookie making is manditory 6 months or something like that to.


fuckin choppers eh, i did my first outdoor this year and never relized how many helicopters and small planes fly around here. small patches and no patterns. only way ive really read to keep helicopters away. .. if your not legal i would recomend 5 or less plants in one immediate area, the C-10 bill that ust got passed last week nails ya if your over 5 plants, with manditory jailtime. hash and cookie making is manditory 6 months or something like that to.
Well, That's good to know do you think I know this sounds crazy but if I had a legitimate field of oh say corn or tomatoes could I sneak a couple hundred mj plants into a couple acres of legit crops. I've pissed that bill actually went through I used to think that BC was a growers paradise.

By the way I like your profile picture.