BBB - Bowls Before Bed

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Well-Known Member
im central time so im a hour ahead of ya.

no times are normal here lol

so why you stayin up so late?... just cant sleep either? lol
i dont know, im kinda nocturnal i think, stay up until early and sleep till late. i think this is the best hours of the day to enjoy, while everyone else is asleep

RIU is messing up MY post times. According to my posts it's like almost 8am, but it's only almost 1am!
ya yours is the same as mine, off by 6 hours. wonder what the deal is. i guess the grow faq is down too?


Well-Known Member
oh well, it dosnt really matter i know what time it really is, and what time its going to be. hope you ladies can either deal with your insomnia or accept nocturnalism


Well-Known Member
some times i wish i had a job to get up for early in the morning, but im enjoying the rest of my summer before its back to school, so why worry about a job now?


Well-Known Member
some times i wish i had a job to get up for early in the morning, but im enjoying the rest of my summer before its back to school, so why worry about a job now?
its not all what its cracked up to be when you do it everyday hahahha

oh i would love to go to school!

but i need money for that


Well-Known Member
I'd prefer to have a job. I mean, I just got laid off, so I'm still in the relaxing and enjoying being able to stay up late and sleep in stage...but that will wear off soon I'm sure. I like to have something to do, or I go crazy


Well-Known Member
a bachelors in general studies, boring i know, but its basically going to get all my required classes out of the way, so when i decide what i want to do, i can go back and major in something specific

going for my 420 now


Well-Known Member
hmm intersting.
yea i think i would rather work. now that i think about it.... i fuckin hate school.
when i went to high school, i hated it! i kind of got myself kicked out on purpose
i dont see how i can mange college lol


Well-Known Member
hmm intersting.
yea i think i would rather work. now that i think about it.... i fuckin hate school.
when i went to high school, i hated it! i kind of got myself kicked out on purpose
i dont see how i can mange college lol
I dunno, maybe you'd do BETTER, you pick the classes, you pick your schedule. Most of the people I knew who didn't do well in high school didn't do well because they didn't like the system, not because they couldn't handle the work or anything like that.


Well-Known Member
i hated got and kicked out of highscool too. i got my ged the same year my class graduated

let me tell you, college is way better. no detention or suspension BS, no problems with any teachers alot of cool older people and alot of people that smoke trees. it is more work, but it actually pays off in the end.


Well-Known Member
i hated got and kicked out of highscool too. i got my ged the same year my class graduated

let me tell you, college is way better. no detention or suspension BS, no problems with any teachers alot of cool older people and alot of people that smoke trees. it is more work, but it actually pays off in the end.

i got kicked out senior year and got mine within a month and started workin

hahha that sounds alot better
high school was terrible back then... i can only imagine how it is now.
my little sister is in 6th grade and they aren't allowed to wear black!!!


Well-Known Member
haha thats mad lame

i remember my highschool thinking everything was "gang apparel" and there was a time where they wouldnt let us carry backpacks because Columbine happened a few years back.

the best memories i have of highschool are shipping the pep rallys to get drunk off gold shlager(freshman) try mushrooms(sophmore) and acid (senior yer)


Well-Known Member
haha thats mad lame

i remember my highschool thinking everything was "gang apparel" and there was a time where they wouldnt let us carry backpacks because Columbine happened a few years back.

the best memories i have of highschool are shipping the pep rallys to get drunk off gold shlager(freshman) try mushrooms(sophmore) and acid (senior yer)
hahhaa smokin outside
i went to an outside school so it had some advantages haha

i would skip class, climb and hide in a tree. its hilarious now that i think about it


Well-Known Member
i liked smoking in the bathroom too, just glad i dont have to do anymore. i actually have just enough time between my classes to smoke a butt and get to my next class

the vent in the stall was so strong it would suck all the smoke up, it never smelled and youd never get caught
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