Barney's F - Vanilla Kush / TGA Subcool - Ace of Spades = Waterfarm - 600w


Well-Known Member
Great photos Dayzt, now a begginer's question. I see that on the VK you have some browining on the fan leaves, the aos on the other hand is completely green. Why is that? What's causing the brown spots? Is it strain depenant? Cheers in advance mate :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the VK went through a cal/mag deficiency that I caught kinda late... when I corrected it, I think my pH went up and caused a few other micro-nutrient deficiencies which I think are now under control as well... but as a result, some of the leaves are permanently 'rusted' and some are starting to curl a bit. Since I'm now starting week 6 of flower though, I'm not too worried - things are stable enough to finish off without slowing the 'bud-swell' down. The downside to it, is that my trim won't be all that 'pretty' looking by the time harvest time rolls around, and it makes for a 'dirty' photograph sometimes.. but over-all, I'm happy with how it's continuing to fill out.

james gordon

Active Member
hey man i got a cal/mag deff around week 5 flowering last time around with my holy smokes strawberry diesel. the exact same rusty spots on the leafs as you have. i just up'd the cal/mag a little and mafia the leafs, aka chop half there fingers off haha besides that man its looook absolutly amazing. i see you also went about your scrog a little diff, you didnt fill the whole screen up? you mainly lst and used the screen to support all the work from the lst? im going to attempt to fill the whole entire screen


Active Member
Quick Question, I'm growing four Vanilla Kush from BF fem seeds and wanted to know how much extra height they will gain when i flip em, on adverage?


Well-Known Member
The first time I grew out the VK, I had 4 plants - the phenos were fairly close, and they doubled in size after about the 3rd week of flowering - but those were grown in soil, and only had preliminary LST applied to them... this one is in DWC/hydro-drip and went through some fairly extensive LST - from what I can see, it pretty much doubled in size again..but I could see it getting close to 2.5-3x stretch if left to grow Christmas tree style...


Active Member
OMG lol, in that case I better flip mine over to 12/12 soon. Ive noticed one of them has got a little cal/mag deficiency so ive bought some FHD Cal mag dry additive as my local shop said AN have stopped doing Cal/Mag. Ive taken some cuttings off each plant and got 10/11 total so far. My original plan was to flower 4 and keep the best one as a mother but i destroyed one as it appeared to be poor genetics. Please take a look at my images and offer up some thought on what you would do regards flowering, keeping as mothers, what to do with cuttings. cheers in advance of any advice. Its only my 4th or 5th grow. As for the suspect Calmag, should I wait until next feed or would it be ok to do a calmag watering before the next feed is due?

PS, what's LST ?

four vk females from seed.jpgclose up.jpgmild calmag.jpgvk cuttings.jpg


Active Member
Nice daytz! Looks like some ph/nute issues. I let a friend water mine and my ph got outa whack but I caught it. I'll post mine. C u got a cherry pheno. It tastes like creamy light cherry sandalwood incense. The room smell is so great. Got a slow stupid high. But happy. I just put dairy queen and chernobl in flower hydro. Everything is well though. Just picked up raskals fire og bx. Sowamazing has them. Peace


Active Member
In sub soil my mid pheno ace smells like sour rotten fruit it's so loaded with trichs. Outdoors it's the best plant I ever seen, the sour ogs are killer. The headband one is so huge if fim, super crop, and Lst is used. The sfv pheno is garlic skunky diesel sweet. Also loaded with thc. It's pretty impervious to mistakes too. Sub u gotta like my pics? I'm killin it here in the stix


Active Member
I have to thank you and Scottyballs for your water farm journals. Because of them I have chosen to go with a water farm scrogg for my first attempt. Couple questions if you wouldn't mind answering. I have run into a cal/mag issue also and was wondering how much calmag per gallon you are adding or do you try to reach a certain ppm with it? Also I have been covering the top of my water farms with foil to keep light out and prevent algae/salt build up. I am going into my first week of flowering and when I changed my reservoir the other day I could see roots peeking out the top of the hydroton. Checked inside the bucket and they looked healthy and massive but I am a little concerned. Should I be? Have you ever run into this issue or have any idea on why this would happen? I drilled about as many extra holes as I could in the grow chamber so I wouldn't think that would be the problem.


Well-Known Member
OMG lol, in that case I better flip mine over to 12/12 soon. Ive noticed one of them has got a little cal/mag deficiency so ive bought some FHD Cal mag dry additive as my local shop said AN have stopped doing Cal/Mag. Ive taken some cuttings off each plant and got 10/11 total so far. My original plan was to flower 4 and keep the best one as a mother but i destroyed one as it appeared to be poor genetics. Please take a look at my images and offer up some thought on what you would do regards flowering, keeping as mothers, what to do with cuttings. cheers in advance of any advice. Its only my 4th or 5th grow. As for the suspect Calmag, should I wait until next feed or would it be ok to do a calmag watering before the next feed is due?

PS, what's LST ?
Heya Stuka - looks like you've got a lot going on there! I've never grown with or created clones that I ended up keeping, and I've never kept any mother plants yet with my grows - so I'm not much help there. I usually start flowering when the plant reaches about a foot and a half in height, but tieing the plants down (LST - low stress training) in order to spread out the plant, it takes longer to reach that height. I think you can add-in that cal-mag at any time.. start with a smaller amount and work your way up to the recommended amount on the label.

Nice daytz! Looks like some ph/nute issues. I let a friend water mine and my ph got outa whack but I caught it. I'll post mine. C u got a cherry pheno. It tastes like creamy light cherry sandalwood incense. The room smell is so great. Got a slow stupid high. But happy. I just put dairy queen and chernobl in flower hydro. Everything is well though. Just picked up raskals fire og bx. Sowamazing has them. Peace
ace middle 5 wks, l to r ace middle pheno, same, sour og headband pheno, sour og sfv og pheno
In sub soil my mid pheno ace smells like sour rotten fruit it's so loaded with trichs. Outdoors it's the best plant I ever seen, the sour ogs are killer. The headband one is so huge if fim, super crop, and Lst is used. The sfv pheno is garlic skunky diesel sweet. Also loaded with thc. It's pretty impervious to mistakes too. Sub u gotta like my pics? I'm killin it here in the stix
Cool man - yeah the ace smells niiiice... your gals are looking great!

I have to thank you and Scottyballs for your water farm journals. Because of them I have chosen to go with a water farm scrogg for my first attempt. Couple questions if you wouldn't mind answering. I have run into a cal/mag issue also and was wondering how much calmag per gallon you are adding or do you try to reach a certain ppm with it? Also I have been covering the top of my water farms with foil to keep light out and prevent algae/salt build up. I am going into my first week of flowering and when I changed my reservoir the other day I could see roots peeking out the top of the hydroton. Checked inside the bucket and they looked healthy and massive but I am a little concerned. Should I be? Have you ever run into this issue or have any idea on why this would happen? I drilled about as many extra holes as I could in the grow chamber so I wouldn't think that would be the problem.
You're very welcome deew! I'm glad to have inspired you to try the waterfarm - very nice change from soil and all that dirty mess... :weed:

I've been using about 1-2 tsp per gallon of water - but be sure to check your ppm before adding it - I usually mix up my nutes, test the ppm and then add 1-2 tsp of cal/mag and test the ppm'll get a feel for how much you need each time.

No need to worry about the roots growing up in there - I've heard of that happening before and it's perfectly normal. I think having the foil on top leaving the dark and humid area between the top of the hydroton and the foil, encourages some roots to grow towards it..but no worries.


Well-Known Member
Your a tease dayzt. An update with no bud porn
Lol...yeah, sorry - I was behind on replying to the recent posts and didn't have any pics prepared to put up. I did take some the other night with my older camera, but none of them really turned out that great. I plan to get some pics this afternoon just before lights-on though, so watch for a pic update either later this evening or tomorrow! :weed:


Well-Known Member
I know the feeling now that im in bloom I dont want to go snapping pics with the light off and because it is getting so cramped in my tent in finding it really tough to get good angles and the hps really makes it tough


Well-Known Member
Well, tomorrow marks the last day of week 6 of flowering. Things are looking great - the VK went through some extensive rusting due to the cal/mag deficiency, but you can see the dark green underneath it now so I think it's under control - left her looking kinda beat up, but she's still swelling nicely as she approaches the finish line! The AoS is still looking as healthy as ever, and has a snowy layer of trichs all over which will for sure make for some killer hash...

Here's a pic update - enjoy! :weed:

-=Vanilla Kush=-

-=The Ace of Spades=-
