banana kush blues


Active Member
hey guys I need some yoda insight.
heres the skinny, I just started a grow using banana kush clones. I have 9 clones in a hydro ebb and flow scrog lens setup under a 1000 watt mh for veg light. I'm feeding the babies aqua flakes a and b, rhizotonic and cal mag. I feed 7 times a day for 15 min at 1050 ppm and 5.6 ph. I'm enriching with co2 twice a day for 30 min. The ladies are 2 and a half weeks old and 6 of them have nearly reached screen (not very happy with that growth speed.) all the plants are showing signs of stressing. Red stems necrotic spots on some old and new growth. my deficiency chart says that it's likely a manganese (Mn) deficiency and I should foliar feed with ferts containing Mn. Thats the walk around, anyone have some input? i"m just not familiar with this strain and having a hard time making these women happy (what's new). I appreciate any advice